fifty seven

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Chaeyoung took a look of herself in the mirror, and took a deep breath. She was going to do this, she was finally going to tell Jennie how her heart fluttered around her. She was going to tell her that all this flirting with her just didn't mean nothing, it meant Chaeyoung liked her. She was going to tell her how her voice and sweet nature helped her immensely. She was going to do this.

Chaeyoung didn't dress fancy, she dressed just the usual because she didn't want to give Jennie any sort of hints for the confession beforehand. Chaeyoung had to step up her game if she wanted to spend a memorable night with Jennie.

Since today was Chaeyoung's last day Jennie had offered to cook dinner for the both of them, since Lisa and Jisoo had already gone out earlier. Chaeyoung refused Jennie's offer politely, since she didn't want her to go all the trouble for her. Chaeyoung could take her to a pretty restaurant and they could enjoy a nice meal.

Chaeyoung did ask Lisa about whatever was going on between her and Jisoo, and she replied something along the lines of 'It's just a causal hook up, Chae. Don't get so worked up over it.'

Sighing to her self once more, she checked herself out in the mirror, grabbed her purse and made her way out of her hotel room, going to pick Jennie up.


They were seated in a calm and rather quiet restaurant ( Chaeyoung thought it was extremely odd despite the fact that it was a Sunday), with Jennie chirply commenting on everything around her. She wasn't complaining; quite the opposite, actually.

She loved the interiors, and talked to Chaeyoung about it.

"Those lights there look so pretty, I'd love to have them in my own place sometime later. You know, I'm saving up for my own place." Jennie laughed, and Chaeyoung nodded.

One thing that she had noticed staying with Jennie for a week, was that she was very fond of her work. She loved what she did, and there was no way she was giving it up. Chaeyoung loved her work too, then why was she running away from it? Why couldn't she be like Jennie too, and embrace her passions?

"You seem very happy about cooking." Chaeyoung pointed out out loud, and Jennie nodded in approval. 

"I do." Jennie confirmed. "I really like to cook, no matter what. It's like a stress buster for me. And what's better than to have your stress buster as a full time job? It makes me feel really happy, I enjoy it so much."

"That's so cool." Chaeyoung said. "I hope I can get back and get back to work as normal too. I really love shooting and acting as well."

Jennie nodded, smiling at Chaeyoung widely. Maybe Chaeyoung was destined to die by Jennie's smiles itself.


Dinner went by smoothly, with Jennie loving every dish. And if Jennie liked, so did Chaeyoung. 

Now was the time of truth. Chaeyoung was going to confess to Jennie. She was going to tell her how much she made her happy, and how she wanted Jennie to give her a chance to make her happy as well. Not platonically, but romantically.

"Uh Jennie." Chaeyoung broke the calm silence between them, and the mentioned female hummed at her, looking slightly in her direction.

Okay, you got this Chaeyoung.

"I actually had something to tell you?" Chaeyoung said, but it came out as more of a question. Chaeyoung sighed. She was nervous. 

"There's nothing to be so nervous and formal about, Chaeyoung It's just me." Jennie assured, which made Chaeyoung gulp harshly. It's just me. Yeah that's the entire point.

Chaeyoung began- and now, there was no going back. 

"You're uh, really nice, Jennie. I can't thank you enough for helping me escape- even if it was a short period of time. I would've never imagined that someone would want to help me like this, but you did- thank you so so much." Chaeyoung smiled. But this wasn't it. There was more to what she had to say.

"It's no problem, honestly. I thought that either you were a scam, or your account was hacked, at first. But when you asked for help, you seemed genuine. I'm a really big fan as you know, so I'd do anything for you anyway. Not many people actually get to meet their idol in real life, you know? I'm glad I was able to meet you and discover what a nice person you actually are."

Chaeyoung blushed. That was a lot of appreciation, - and coming from Jennie? Chaeyoung wanted to faint.

"And there's another thing- I like you Jennie." Chaeyoung spoke hastily, and then closed her eyes. She did it, she told Jennie that she liked her.

Chaeyoung slowly opened her eyes again, only to see all colour drained from Jennie's face. She stood still as if trying to comprehend what Chaeyoung just said. But what was that complex to understand?

"What?" Jennie asked dumbfounded.

"I like you Jennie, so much." Chaeyoung repeated her words, expecting a positive response this time, but Jennie looked back at her with sad eyes, and then tore the eye contact to look at the ground.

"I- no- Chaeyoung-ssi. I've told you, I'm straight. Kindly excuse me." Jennie tried to walk past Chaeyoung, like she didn't know who she was, didn't need to stay with her anymore.

Tears prickled in Chaeyoung's desperate eyes, who tried to stop Jennie by holding her arm, "I'm sorry Jennie, but I just had to tell you before I left-"

"And you've told me right?" Jennie's cold voice came. "You've told me, please don't expect a reaction from me. You can arrange to the airport by yourself tomorrow. I have work early."

And saying this, Jennie made an exit from the restaurant (and Chaeyoung's life), leaving the poor younger girl in tears. 

When did nice Jennie become so cold and harsh towards her? Was Chaeyoung really just meant to spend her life like this - with no happiness in it?

It was late, she thought, wiping the continuous tear streams that ran down her cheeks - they wouldn't stop.

Bringing up her phone and calling up her best friend, she sniffled into the phone, "Lisa, c-can you pick me up?"

And from her tone, Lisa could tell what was wrong.



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