Same dry tears

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Ajay POV

"We got divorced two months ago. Can we not talk about it?" I said. "I am so sorry Ajay. I didn't know. I never spoke to anyone since, you-know-what-happened" she replied. Soon after tears began to form in her eyes and with a breaking voice, "I am so sorry I didn't know about this. I was consumed by own grief, I never paid attention to those around me, including my dear ones. Please forgive me Jay" saying that, she hugged me and cried into my shoulders.

Cupping her face in my hands, I looked into her eyes. "Hey, there's nothing to be guilty about it. In fact the same has been going on in my life too. But I didn't let her affect my wellbeing and I decided to move on. I understand the fact that moving on is hard in your case. But that will happen eventually" I said and wiped her tears.

"Hey Jay. It's a pleasant surprise!" said Michael from behind. I went to him and hugged him. He introduced me to his girlfriend. That guy was so nervous to talk to girls back in school but I couldn't believe that he's dating someone. I couldn't be happier for him.

That night went by us dancing, sipping mocktails and reminiscing our schooling days. Overall, the night ended well.

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