Good news...

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Isabella POV

When my brother called me, my family and Neha's family for a video call, I expected them to talk about their achievements in business. After all, Michael won the Best Businessman of the Year Award. What I didn't expect was the couple breaking to us the news of their engagement. I was really happy for them and cried tears of joy. Who knew that, a shy and once hopelessly single man, would be whipped and engaged to the love of his life? Both our parents were shocked and they didn't believe because they expected to see an engagement ring. I mean, who cares? They're engaged now, have a life people!

But they were happy and showered the couple with blessings. I, on the other hand, was planning a dream wedding for my brother and to-be sister in law in my head. "Bella I just want a simple wedding with just our closest family. Please dont plan anything grand." Neha pleaded. I ignored her pleas and said, "I am daydreaming and living the bachelorette party in my mind already. I will even pay for the expenses. All you have to do is, get married both of you."

"Bella, please. I know you are excited as much as the two of us but I too want it to be simple. I dont want the happiness to overflow everywhere. Let it stay within our family." Said Michael. We all laughed. "Ok fine. But I am the one who's planning the wedding. You just have to come to the altar and get married." I said.

"About that, we decided to get married in the court and have a flamboyant reception. I hope that's okay with everyone." Neha said. "Oh no, miss. You are getting married in both the traditions." Neha's mother replied.

"So, when are you two planning to get married?" Amma asked. "August, Amma" Michael replied. "I dont want to delay it any further." He said. "Wow. Someone's whipped and desperate for something" I said and I saw the couple blushing. They looked even more cuter.

We all spoke together for some time and as soon as the video call ended, Michael called me and spoke to me. "Bella, I know that the past year hasn't been great in your life. Dont you feel bad? And also, I never expected them to be excited for our engagement. I mean, Amma and Appa went batshit crazy when we decided to date each other. I dont get what's happening Bella" he sighed. "Michael, the day you decided to appoint Neha as your Chief Operating officer, I knew that you wouldn't take much time to also ask her hand in marriage. Predicting this, I spoke to both the parents and convinced. They too said the same point but I assured them that your happiness is more important than anything else and besides, what is family for?" I replied. I sensed his voice cracking as he tried to speak. "Before you say anything, I wanted to say that, I was the one who brought you two together and it's my responsibility to see two of you ending up together." I said.

"Bella, I am truly blessed to have you as my sister. I hope you too deserve happiness soon for your deeds." He said and cut the call. Thanks Michael. I hope I get my happiness pretty soon.

Thanks for reading the new update guys!

Thanks for reading the new update guys!

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