A blossom called Infatuation

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Isabella POV

It has been three months since I moved to Los Angeles, California. I had opened my boutique over there which is now a budding enterprise. I also moved to California because I have now started to work in an American sitcom which is a huge success. Life has now been smooth and I like it.

Today was Saturday and I had no work to do so I woke up at 6AM, did my morning chores, cleaned my house(yep, I bought a three bedroom apartment in LA) and proceeded to go down for my morning run. As I returned from my jog, I noticed some suitcases outside the house opposite to mine. I heard I very familiar voice from inside the house. But I ignored it and went inside my house. I took a quick shower and was about to make breakfast when I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door to receive the biggest surprise of my life.

"Oh my god Jay!" I squealed and hugged him. He froze for a second before he returned the gesture. He smelled like Vanilla which invaded my senses. Wait, what? "Bella what a surprise? I never thought that I would meet you so soon and in LA. Is this your own house by the way?" he asked. I nodded my head in reply and invited him over for chai and breakfast. Jay said that he will take a quick shower and join me.

When he came over for breakfast I asked him,"What brings you here in LA? Last time i saw you, you didn't even tell me that you were moving out of Hyderabad when you loved the city." "I wanted to start a new chapter in my life and staying in Hyderabad did not help me. So I took up a job offer over here in Xylo Studios in the Marketing department which also pays well. So how's work treating you? The sitcom you're doing is really great and I am a huge fan" he replied.

"Thanks Jay. Work is fine. Things are going just fine so I am happy." I replied. There was an awkward silence between us as we ate our food. I couldn't help but gawk at him because he looked absolutely stunning in his white t shirt and grey sweatpants.  Through his shirt I could see his toned muscles and his eyes.... they were mesmerizing.

"Like what you see or need a better show?" he asked and I threw dining napkin at him as he chuckled. A blush grew in my cheeks. What is happening to me? Why am I looking at him?

After we ate breakfast he helped me with the dishes. I offered to cook for him as he was alone and I wanted him to eat home-cooked meals. He happily obliged and left saying he had to set up stuff at his house.

As I saw his disappearing figure, my heart clenched and I felt sad? Why do I feel weird around him? He's just my friend, right? Or not? Let's not worry about it.

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