Date and a cuddle

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Isabella POV

I was in complete shock by his words and I didn't realise it was 6.30 in the evening. Without further ado, I grabbed a white full sleeved top and paired it with a black plaid skirt. I wore knee high boots and let my hair loose with natural makeup.

At 7 pm sharp, I heard the doorbell ring and I  opened it. He stood outside wearing a blue suit with a white t shirt and white sneakers. If only we didn't have the date.. I would gladly have him in my bed. "I am very much open to that idea but don't worry, let's eat our dinner quickly and proceed with your wish" he said and laughed. A blush crept my cheeks. Was I loud in my thoughts? "Yep, you were" he said.

We went to an Italian restaurant and had a hearty meal. In fact, it was the best meals I've ever eaten in a long time. I felt at peace when I was with him, again. After we were done with the dinner, we went out to the nearest park and we were walking. I held his hand and he intertwined our fingers as we walked in a comfortable silence.

Soon after, we returned to my house for a midnight coffee as neither of us wanted to sleep. I gave him his coffee and we sipped our coffee in silence. Uh, Bella! Make normal conversation. Make initiative. "Bella, the past few days or months have been different. I feel different around around you and I.... really like you. Umm... so, damn! Why is this hard? Would you like to take things further?" He said and my eyes would have fallen out of its socket. I too wanted to be more close with him. Not like you haven't been intimate, Bella. "I would love to give our relationship a chance. But if things don't work out, let's be friends, okay?" I asked. "Okay" he said.

After sipping our drink, he carried me to my room in bridal style and laid me on my bed before joining me under the covers after removing his suit jacket. He pulled me towards him in such a way that my front faced him. He snuggled into my neck and mumbled, "Goodnight, Bella"

"Goodnight, Jay" were the last words I spoke before sleep engulfed us.

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. I hope you like reading my story.

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