I said.....

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Isabella POV

Last night was great. I was dancing with Ajay, in his arms. He looked gorgeous in his black suit. That moment felt special because I was dancing with my love. My love. The love of my life. It took every thing in me to not kiss him and confess my love for him then. When I confess, I want it to be special. So I thought, Wait for the good stuff, darling. 

We returned home the next day and all of us were tired. The next day, I went to Jay's house because I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to take him somewhere I could confess my feelings to him. But he wasn't at home. He went out to see that prospective woman. I was pissed. What the actual fuck? 

"Its been a while since we spoke. Why don't you stay here for a while?" Jay's mom said. I stayed back for lunch and we spoke. Oh and just so you know, my family and Neha's family went out for shopping some clothes and souvenirs. "So how is my son treating you?" Jay's mom asked. "What do you mean, ma? He is the best person I have ever met. I have known him my entire life" I replied. "I know that you two are having feelings for each other. I knew it when I saw your face the other day I was mentioning the prospective girl I was looking for him" Jay's dad said. "Do you really like him?" Manasa asked. "I don't just like him. I love him. I don't know what you think of me but I don't care. I am in love with your son" I confessed with tears. "Whatever happens, you two have our blessings. Now, go. Tell him how you feel. Go" I was pushed out of the door when I saw Jay kicked from my house?

Ajay's POV

The day after we returned from Las Vegas, I went to meet Hema, who was the girl my parents were talking about, in a nearby diner for breakfast. Did I see Hema and another woman with intertwined hands? She spotted me and sat opposite me. "I am Hema and this is my girlfriend. Let's get to the point. I have no interest in this alliance whatsoever. In fact, I can set you up with another woman in case your feeling sad" she said. I couldn't help but feel relieved. I let out a deep breath and left the place immediately after eating my breakfast. 

I went to Bella's house and found out she wasn't there. I saw everyone in the dining room and went towards them. They saw me and Bella's dad embraced me. "What brings you here? I know Bella's birthday is not co-" "I am in love with your daughter. I know she has a past. But I am sorry for hiding the fact that we were dating for months together now. I don't want to lose her at any cost and even if you don't approve, I will make her mine" I said. Bella's parents seemed shocked and couldn't say anything. Michael stood up and came towards me.

"As much as we would love you two to be together, promise me that she will only cry tears of joy. Promise me that you'll stand with her in her endeavors. Promise me that you'll protect her no matter what. Only then, I will approve of you two" Michael said.

"She is my everything. I will protect her with my life and that's a promise" I said. "You have our blessings. Go and tell her how you feel" and I was kicked out of her house by her parents. Just then, Bella also came out of my house. I went towards her and I said, "Look, Bella. I have to tell you something impo-" "I love you, Ajay. I am so in love with you" she said with teary eyes.

"Oh no" I said. She looked shocked. "I wanted to say it first" I said and she chuckled and let out a breath. "I love you, Isabella Garcia Fernando and you are stuck with me forever" I said and claimed her lips with mine. I didn't care about the fact that our families were watching and cheering for us. I kissed her and when we pulled away, I carried her bridal style towards my car and we drove her to a special place. I planned some things for her to propose my love for her but looks like we can put it to a better use. ;)


Hey guys! So they finally confessed! I am so happy that both the families accepted them. 

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