7. New morning, New Beginnings (Rewritten)

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It doesn't matter what your present circumstances look like, today is a brand-new day, and God wants to do a new thing in your life and in your relationship with Him every day. 

----------------------------------Happy Reading-------------------------------------------------------------

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----------------------------------Happy Reading-------------------------------------------------------------

My chain of thoughts was broken by the chirping of the morning birds, I checked the time to see it was 4:30 in the morning already. Phew, I didn't get an ounce of sleep last night. Not wanting to waste my day as I wasted the night by being a night owl, I decided to head for a morning jog, it would help clear off my mind. I quickly changed into my classic gym shorts, tank top, and sneakers.

I exited my room to see Damien in deep slumber, I took this opportunity to observe him carefully. He had jet black hair, heart-shaped lips, a straight nose, and a super sharp jawline. Well in short he could easily outshine male supermodels. It's good he was sleeping now because it becomes hard to hold a conversation with him looking straight through my soul. His electric blue eyes held a very idiosyncratic charm as if they were capable of looking straight through your soul. Without thinking much I clicked a few pictures of him and quickly proceeded for my morning jog.

On my way out I checked up on my brother to see him sleeping too, looks like I was the only one awake.


It has always been lovely and gratifying for me to finish jogging while it's still dark, in absolute solitude as everyone around would remain asleep. Sure the security team around was always monitoring each and every activity happening in the estate but I was used to it now.


I entered my room to see Damien wide awake, looking straight at me, the click of the door must have drawn his attention.

"Good morning," I wished him to avoid the strange nuance enveloping the room.

"Morning ... you did not sleep, did you?" he asked, Is it that obvious I thought.

"Tried to but did not get any," with that I moved forward to get into my room but the moment I was about to enter my room I felt a hand grabbing my wrist.

"What's bothering you, little one?" I heard a low deep voice ask.

"Nothing, I am good," I said, still not looking at him.

In one swift motion, I was turned around and now facing him.

"I don't like lies little one, now tell me what's wrong," he asked me again.

"Nothing I cannot cope with, now may I go and get ready for the day, or do you want to use the shower first," I responded to which he nodded and said, "you go first, I have a few e-mails to check."


I quickly showered and decided to wear a red sundress. I was not a make-up person, so I just applied my sunscreen and lip balm, and now I was ready for the day.

I came out of the walk-in closet to see Damien glued to his phone and laptop. Our eyes met, and I could see him assessing me from top to bottom. I shook my head and moved towards my room.


It looks like I have nothing to do for now then it clicked to my mind that I was reading a book written by one of my favorite authors 'The Inferno.' I settled myself on the recliner present in my room and started reading the book, not before setting the alarm for one hour from now.


Exactly after one hour, my phone alarm went off, I checked the time to see it was 7:45 AM sharp. I went out of the room to see Damien standing in front of the dresser, putting on his cufflinks.

I gazed up at him to see him already looking at me, OK what's with him and staring.

"Staring is rude," I muttered but enough for him to hear.

He smirked and said, "I thought you too were doing the same, little one."

'Huh! I was not," I muttered to which he smirked again.

"You look beautiful,'' he said out of nowhere. He was no more smirking. In no time he was standing in front of me.

"What's bothering you?" he asked, holding my hands in his as he made me sit his. All the while, I kept my gaze fixed on my lap. He crouched down to my level.

"Do you regret this marriage?" he asked. I shook my head right away. I did not regret this marriage.

"I am just muddled," I said and looked up to meet his eyes.


"Everything," I said.

"Can I do something to make you feel better?" he asked, brushing his thumb over my wedding ring. I gave him a confused look.

"What?" I asked. His face inched closer to mine.

"Well, for starters we can always start with tickling the hell out of you," he whispered, right next to my ear. Even before I could process what he had just said. He took a hold of my left foot and started tickling me.

"Oh, My God!... Stop... that Dam...ien," I somehow managed to let out as I collapsed back on the bed. I was a laughing and a screaming mess. And somewhere in all this, I had unconsciously landed a kick on Damien's face.

"Oww, Uh, my nose," I heard a painful groan. I quickly sat up straight. He was lying face down, holding his nose. I quickly rushed to him.

"Are you okay? I am so sorry," I said as I tried to look for any bleeding.

"Is it hurting? Let me see," I attempted to distance his hands from his face. His nose was red as a tomato.

"Let me quickly grab an ice pack," I said and ran to the kitchen. I quickly grabbed the ice pack from the freezer and ran back to our room. Damien was sitting now, still holding his nose.

"Here," I said and gingerly pressed the ice pack on his nose. All the while he was intently staring at me.

"I am sorry," I said to which he smiled.

"Don't be, I think it is a great way to kickstart our married life. Nothing better than a Kick," he said and erupted into fits of laughter. I couldn't help but smile.

"Do you know you have an infectious smile, little one?" he said.

"Is that what you tell all your girlfriends?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Nah, only my sweet little wife gets to hear this. After all, no one has a smile like my wife," he said brushing his pants as he stood up. And forwarded his hand for me to take.

"Has anyone told you that you are a sweet talker, Mr. Atkinson?" I said, placing my hand on his.

"Now you have, Mrs. Atkinson," he answered and helped me up from the floor.

To Be Continued in the next chapter..........


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