12. Day out -1 (Rewritten)

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"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."

--------------------Happy Reading---------------

'Damien's POV'

Soon it was morning, I checked the time, it was a quarter past eight in the morning. I turned to Emery's side to see her in deep sleep. I can for sure get used to this view every morning.  I took my sweet time clapping my eyes on each and every contour of her face. 

I stood up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom, not before pulling the blinds open. I stood under the shower, leaning against the shower wall as the shower water dripped down my body. My mind was processing a lot many thoughts. I closed my eyes and the images of "her" popped into my mind. I blinked open my eyes. My day was already ruined, I shouldn't be thinking of her anymore. I had a very young wife to take care of.

I exited the bathroom to see Emery sitting on the bed, glaring straight at me with a grumpy face, looking cute as hell if I might add.

"Why did you draw the blinds open, I was sleeping," she let out in a very grumpy tone, matching her expression.

Well, seems like someone woke up grumpy.

"So ... No good morning or anything, little one," I said.

"You spoiled my morning, I was sleeping now I won't get back my sleep anymore," she continued whining.

I stared at the girl in front of me in disbelief, wasn't she the one who wanted to go sightseeing a few hours back.

Miles sometimes used to say how Emery sometimes wakes up really very grumpy, today I witnessed it too.

"I thought you wanted to go sightseeing, it's already 8:40. We leave at 9:30. Now good morning to you too, little one. You should go take a shower, I will order the breakfast here itself," I said.

On the mention of 'sightseeing', her expression changed instantly.

"You should have woken me up earlier," she let out.

What? Seriously.

I couldn't help but stare at her, bewildered. Ok, this girl was confusing me now.

She got up from the bed, took out a few clothes from her suitcase, and hurried into the bathroom.

"Bad morning, oldie," she yelled from the bathroom before shutting the door.

Did she just call me an oldie?

I shook my head at her childishness.

I ordered breakfast and contacted the PR department to confirm if they have informed the hired paparazzi team to follow us from distance and not capture Emery's full-face pictures, which would reveal her identity, just some side profiles.

We couldn't take chances.


"Emery's POV"

I entered the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and then eased out of my nightclothes and took a quick shower.

After towel drying myself, I wore a white high low summer dress since it is still summer here in Finland, so the weather was pretty warm here.

I exited the bathroom to see Damien on a call with someone on the balcony.

I blow-dried my hair and decided to leave it open.

I applied sunscreen and lip balm. I then paired my dress with a pair of high shoes and tied a casual white overcoat around my waist, in case the temperature dropped at night, it's Finland, you never know.

Damien had already ordered the breakfast, seeing the food I realized I was super hungry. I quickly stuffed a whole waffle and a strawberry just then, Damien entered the room.

He was dressed in a white casual t-shirt, black pants, and a pair of white sneakers, looking great.

He eyed me from top to bottom.

"You should have your breakfast," I said, he nodded and sat right beside me.

"Food isn't running away nor are we, eat slowly little one," I heard him say, why can't he just focus on his food.


After having our breakfast we headed out.

Damien's P.A was already present in the reception area.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson, this is your guide, Mr. Antero Virtanen," Steven said.

"Good morning Steven and please call me Emersyn or even better Emery, you are like my elder brother, and also now we will see each other often," I said, his eyes instantly filled with unshed tears.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked confused.

He shook his head in no and said "No, no... it's... it's just that I am an orphan, I have never had a family."

I didn't know what to say or do so I just did what I felt was the right thing to do at the moment.

I pulled him into a tight hug and said "It's not the same anymore, no matter what happens I want you to know you have a sister now, I am always here for you, ok."

He gave me a small smile and nodded his head in agreement. I smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson, congratulations on your wedding, I am your guide." I heard Mr. Virtanen say.

"Thank you and morning," I greeted him back.

Looking at Antero, he must be a few years younger than Damien.

We stepped out of the hotel, I could see a group of paparazzi at some distance, snapping our pictures. Thank god they are at a distance. Phew.


Our first destination was 'Sibelius Monument and Park'

Antero said it was formed by a collection of large metal pipes that creates music as the breeze blows through them.

It was really beautiful. I clicked a lot of pictures some were my solo and some were with Damien.

After spending around two hours there we headed towards our second destination of the day 'Ateneum' It is the Finnish National Museum of Art. The museum holds some of the finest art collections, both historic and contemporary.

While going through the sculptures I felt Damien wrap his hand around my waist, holding me close.

"What are you doing?" I whisper yelled at him.

"Nothing, just holding my wife," he said casually, just then I heard a camera shutter click.

I turn around, "perfect," Antero exclaimed.

He had just clicked a 'candid' picture of me and Damien.

We spent almost four hours in the museum, going through almost everything.

The entrance of the halls was decorated with frescoes inspired by Kalevala and the best part was that, that the frescoes were painted by Akseli Gallén- Kallele, widely known as Finland's best-known artist.

By the time we exited the museum, it was already noon.

"I am starving, can we stop by some eatery," I said to Damien...


Take care ❤️


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