Chapter 2 - Moose goes to NY

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=Sam's POV=

I can't believe I kissed Gabriel that's the only thought on my mind as I get off the plane and make my way to find Dean, he's supposed to pick me up so hopefully he didn't forget

And there he is, holding a sign with my name on it of course and there she is, right beside him..Bela Talbot, I'll never forget when her and Dean first started dating, it was before I moved back to Lawrence, we would sometimes have movie nights at her place and me being an 18 year old boy, my mind would make things up

Yeah she's with Dean but look at how she smiled at you
•She touched your leg ON PURPOSE
•She wants you Sammy, not your brother

I may have even had a dream about her one day...while Dean was in the room but all that's in the past now

"Heya Sammy" Dean pulled me into a hug with a smile, it felt so good to be back in his proximity, I may not admit it but I miss constantly being around my big brother "hey Dean, it's Sam now, remember?" I corrected "no matter how fancy of a lawyer you get, you will always be Sammy to me" he smirked "and no matter how long your hair gets you'll always be annoying to me" I shot back which earned me a slight shove

"Hello Sam, we missed having you around" Bela had to tip toe to hug me, she gave me a kiss on the cheek, she smelled like vanilla and cinnamon, normally I would have melted into a stuttering mess but now I have somebody waiting for me back in Kansas "hey Bela, how have you been?" I smiled "I have been lovely, your brother here takes such good care of me" Dean grabbed my bags "she's the one with the good job Sammy, now let's go"

We left the airport, I was keeping an eye out for 'Baby' my brother's 67 Chevy Impala but I couldn't spot it anywhere

That's when it happened, Dean approached a car but it wasn't Baby, it was a Mercedes..

What the fuck "Dean?!? What the fuck?!? Where's Baby?!?" I was freaking out but I didn't care "she's at home Sammy? What's the big deal? It's just a car" he looked confused "just a car? Dean! You almost killed me when I installed an iPod jack in her a few years ago" I was so close to speechless "Sammy, relax, let's just go" I shook my head but got into the backseat

The ride there was weird

I haven't seen my brother in a while now but this isn't him, he's supposed to be muscle car driving, cassette tape listening, good old fashioned Dean Winchester, not Mercedes driving, long haired, Mr Winchester, being with Bela sure has changed him..I wonder what dad would say if he saw Dean this way

I miss my dad sometimes but it was better off this way, we initially moved to Buffalo with my dad but then something came up and he wanted to move again, I was in my senior year of high school and coming up on graduation, dad figured that we had been away from Lawrence long enough and that we were far enough away to not go running straight there, and we didn't, I wasn't planning on applying there but I did and I got in, I chose KU mainly because of the cost, it was still expensive but at least it's cheaper than an Ivy League, Dean worked his ass off our whole lives saving money for me to go to school, he didn't get to attend college like he had planned but he still stuck it out online he almost killed the laptop multiple times

We arrive at their place, I'll never get used to the size of it, Dean got lucky meeting a woman like Bela, if she hadn't walked into the grocery store that day, who knows what might have happened

Later That Night

"Well goodnight loves, I have work early in the morning and it's already 11" Bela kissed Dean then left the living room where we just finished our movie, now is better than never..

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