Chapter 10 - F*ck You B*tch

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=Dean's POV=

"Dean are you sure you can go to this?" Cas asked for the millionth time since we got back to his place "yes angel, I'm fine, I just took some painkillers, they should kick in soon, you will be with me the whole night anyway" I grabbed his hand and smiled

"Yeah, I'm still kinda weirded out that the two of you fucked on my kitchen table but whatever" Meg rolled her eyes "look, how many times do I have to say I'm sorry" I said to her "buy me a new table and we can call it even" she smiled sarcastically "Cas, have I told you how much I don't like your girlfriend" "hey! Without this girlfriend this whole situation with the two of you would be a mess" she defended

"You two need to learn how to get along if this is going to go properly" Cas intervened before we could start arguing

When we returned from the hospital Meg was sitting on the couch with our clothes that we threw off in the kitchen, from there we had to explain what happened which seemed normal for the two of them but it was really weird for me
She's obviously okay with everything, Cas wants to continue living with her(but not sleeping with her) until we figure everything out on account of me still living in New York which makes sense since they have been together for a long time but he still wants to date me, we're not a poly whatever, it's more that me and Cas need to figure shit out and meanwhile Meg will still emotionally be there for Cas which all works for me except I don't really like Meg

"I will get along if he will" Meg said like a kindergartner which made me roll my eyes "Dean" Cas said sternly "fineeee I will try to get along as long as you stop using that damned voice on me while I have broken ribs"

"Sexy isn't it" Meg whispered even though Cas could hear her "I know right" I carefully sat on the couch next to her "has he ever done that thing with his tongue" "that thing that he's awesome at?" We started gossiping about Cas which made him bitch face us "really you two? I expected better" "you really shouldn't have" Meg laughed maybe this will work out after all

=Lucifer's POV=

"Michaaaaa! Do we have to go to this stupid thing!" I complained "yes Luci! Don't you want to show off that engagement ring!" He yelled from the bathroom where he was fixing his hair "of course I do but I'm also nervous" "why? You loved high school" he poked his head out to peek at me sitting on the edge of the bed "but I didn't love your little football buddies and you've gotten hotter Micha, people will be all over you"

"That's ridiculous Luci, besides, maybe that bitch Abaddon will be there to follow you around all night" I shivered "I hope not" "come on Luci, we'll have fun tonight, we'll dance, we'll drink, we'll see old friends and see how far we've come since then" "I don't know how you became such a cheeseball" I layed back on the bed "you love it Luci" he leaned down to kiss me, I grabbed his waist "yes I do, let's just stay home, we can have fun here, I'll let you do that thing you like" he looked at me for a second raising his eyebrow "no, we need to get going" he walked towards the bedroom door "can't we be late!" I protested "no! You are not messing up my hair" he pointed at his loose curls that he just spent the last hour putting into place "you're such a party pooper!" I yelled back "wait for me!" I jumped up and ran out after him when I realized he walked out of our apartment

We got to the high school, the parking lot was already near full, after Gabe graduated I didn't think I would return this soon but here I am, walking in, going to make a grand entrance "MICHA! FINAL ENTRANCE!" "What are you talking about Luce?" He looked confused "WE ARE GOING TO BE MAKING A GRAND ENTRANCE! REMEMBER I TOLD CAS HOW ALL ANYBODY WILL REMEMBER ABOUT YOU IS YOUR FINAL ENTRANCE AND EXIT! THIS IS IT! MY CHANCE TO SEE IF THEY REMEMBER MY EXIT!" "Someone's excited" he smiled at me like a Gabriel in a candy shop "LET'S DO THIS SHIT"

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