Chapter 4 - Family Don't End In Blood

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=Castiel's POV=

"Babe! Have you seen my other shoe anywhere?!" "No! Check by the door! sometimes you leave them there" Meg yelled, we're supposed to meet everybody at the Roadhouse at 12 but it's already 11:30 and I'm not even ready to go yet

"You mean that shoe?" A rough voice said behind me, I spun around to see Dean gesturing to the floor where my missing shoe was sitting "oh fuck, yeah, I must be losing my mind or something" I rolled my eyes "it's fine, Sammy does it all the time, you ready to go?" "Dean, you don't have to wait for us, you and Bela can go ahead" I said leaning down to tie my shoe "I know...I just wanted an excuse to come and talk to you" he shrugged but walked closer, this put me in a very uncomfortable position, I looked up and was eye level with a place I definitely shouldn't be near

Dammit Dean! why does he have to be so hot I stood up straight "now I'm ready, let's go" I grabbed my trenchcoat and walked past him, out of the room "Cas, it's summer, why do you need that old thing" he said following me "I just like to have it with me just in case, why do you need a hundred layers of clothes" that sounded wrong... "Come on dude, I'm literally just wearing a hoodie and jeans" he gestured to his outfit

"Well I don't care, I like having my coat just in case of emergencies" "whatever you say" he backed off when Bela and Meg walked up to us "hey Clarence, you ready to go" "I have to ask...what's with the Clarence?" Dean looked at Meg confused, to be completely honest I didn't really understand either "Really? Clarence, Odbody, the guardian angel?" She looked shocked at him but he didn't respond, he just walked out the front door did he look..mad?

We arrived at the Roadhouse to find Gabe and Sam already waiting inside, other than them it was basically empty "watch out Cassie" Gabe whispered as I sat down why? "CASTIEL NOVAK!" That's why "hello Ellen" I put on my best smile "what's the matter with you kid!" She smacked the side of my head "you just disappear! You could have at least paid us a visit or two" "sorry Ellen" I said rubbing my head "not gonna say it's alright because it ain't but I'm happy you're doing okay" she pulled me into a hug and I couldn't help but feel happy

"Don't worry man, she did the same to me" Dean said smiling, sitting down beside me "well maybe that'll teach ya idjits to come around every once in a while" Bobby said walking out of the back "yeah, sorry about that Bobby" I tried to avoid eye contact but it didn't work "idjits" he mumbled

=Dean's POV=

The door opened "BITCHES!!!" Charlie came running straight for us, hugging Sam, Gabe, Cas and finally settling in my arms, I forgot how it safe I felt with her

"I missed you Charles" I lightly kissed the top of her shiny red hair "I missed you too bitch" she pulled away and punched my arm, Jo hugged everyone the same way Charlie did, eventually resting in my arms, "I missed you too Joanna Beth" I smiled, she stepped back and punched me in my arm as well "you know damn well it's Jo" she laughed, I looked to my side to have Bela staring at me with a blank face

I cleared my throat "girls, this is Bela Talbot, my girlfriend, Bela darling, these are my crazy little sisters, Charlie Bradbury and Jo Harvelle" I winked at them "pleasure to meet you both" she shook Jo's hand but when she went to do the same to Charles, she pulled her into a hug "sorry about that, I'm just happy that my Deano has a girlfriend" she punched my arm again

"Winchester!" Then suddenly there were strong arms wrapped around me "Mikey!" I hugged him back he moved on to hug Sammy, of course in awe over his new height "Lucifer! Still as devilish as ever!" I said as the tall blonde man walked towards me "nice to see you looking happy Winchester!" He smiled "nice rock there Luce, it's about time" I said after spotting the ring on his finger "I know hey, Micha proposed last month, it was really romantic" he almost blushed "DIDN'T KNOW THST SATAN COULD BLUSH LUCI!!" "Fuck you too Gabe!" Nice to see those two haven't changed "oh Luci, it's okay, you know I love you- Michael walked over -and this whole engagement thing is new" Michael said while hugging Lucifer

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