Chapter 14 - Naked and in Love

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=Lucifer's POV=

"Good morning Micha" I stretched still sore from last night, "good morning Luci, how did you sleep" "like the devil" I scrunched up my face at him, eyeing his loose morning curls how I got this lucky I will never know "of course you did" he leaned in and kissed me gently I love when he does that "plans for today?" "I gotta go to work, you know that" "but Michaaaaa" "no buts Luci, unless it's yours" he laughed tiredly "can't you just stay home with meeee" "no Luci, you have your second day of school today" "oh fuck me" "later" he kissed me again then got out of bed, getting his stuff ready for his morning workout

"Michaaaaa, you can't just do that, it isn't fair" I was pouting but I don't give two shits, I'm the devil, I can do what I want "you have school Luci" "but political sciences is BORINGGG! It's not like I'm going to be the president one day" "you never know Luce, now get up, you need to shower" "I don't wanna" "what if I wash you up?" "Will you do that thing?" "Yes Luci, I will condition your hair" "YESS!" I jumped out of bed and went running into the bathroom "I LOVE YOU MICHA!" "I love you too Luci"

=Gabriel's POV=

An annoying alarm went off in my room "SHUTT UPPPP" I groaned, eyes still shut "come on Gabe, it's time to get ready for school" "why do you even bother setting the alarm for 7? You always get up at 6" "because I do my morning yoga and read my books, if I don't set it to wake you up then I have an even harder time getting you out of bed" "you know me so well but I am not going to school" "why not? Last night you wouldn't shut up about your film studies, I thought you liked it" I felt the bed shit from the weight of a moose sitting on it

"I do but my teacher is a great big bag of dicks" "I thought you liked dicks?" "Only yours Samoose, only yours" "fair enough" I could see that stupid smirk without even looking at him "but seriously Samoose, can't I just drop out?" "No! Unless you don't wanna live here with me anymore" he stood up "maybe I'll get a new roommate, a tall, muscular man, that could really-" "shut up! I am your tall, muscular man!" "Then get your ass out of bed and get ready for school"

"Speaking of my ass.." "no Gabe! Not right now!" "Not what I was gonna say Samwich, where are my clothes? Seriously, my ass is hanging out of this blanket" "oh! They're over here" he gestured to the dresser where my clothes with folded nicely, sitting on top "why are they there?" "Because in the middle of the night you woke up saying that I was making you hot and you proceeded to strip all your clothes off" "ohhhhh, I half remember that" "oh how I love you Gabriel" "I love you too Samsquatch" he leaned down and kissed me, passing me a fresh pair of clothes

=Dean's POV=

I woke up to the clacking of keys "oh good morning Dean, how was your sleep?" I looked up squinting to see my angel typing away on his laptop "morning Cas, what are you doing" I rubbed my eyes and sat up to look over at his laptop that was currently sitting where I'm assuming he's still pantless underneath the blanket "I'm looking at different independent therapy practices, finding inspiration, maybe I can talk to one of them" "you wanna see a shrink?" "Not see see, more interview, get information about starting my own practice" "you're so smart my love"I smiled over at him, waiting for his piercing blue eyes to look into my soul the way that they do

He shut the laptop, moving it to the nightstand then he looked at me "hello Dean" his smile was soft and loving "hello angel" I smiled back "what are the plans for today?" He asked "absolutely nothing" I smirked at him, a probably crazy look in my eyes "I love you Castiel Novak" I said as I started kissing his neck and collarbone "I love you Dean Winchester" he said in an almost whisper wrapping his arms around me yep, definitely pantless

=Michael's POV=

I dropped Lucifer off at school for the second time this week, the Lawrence Journal wants me to document the first week of school, mostly boring stuff but I enjoyed my time at KU so I don't mind spending my day around there, I also have an advantage, being there means that I can meet up with Luci, Gabe, and Sam for lunch and get the 'inside scoop' from students

My boss loved my report from yesterday, he just wants more information about the students so my job today is to sit in on certain lectures and interview the students and teachers in them obviously I chose political sciences, film studies, and legal studies but I also chose journalism, yesterday I sat in on political sciences and journalism, today it's legal studies and psychology

Classes went by a lot quicker than when I was there, doing this assignment seriously made me question why I chose journalism when there's so many other equally good choices but I'm happy where I am

I can't wait for the day that a published says "Michael Novak"

=Sam's POV=

"Hey Michael, ready to see into my mind for the afternoon?" "A venture into the mind of Sam Winchester, future big shot lawyer, of course I'm ready" he had a big smile on his face "I don't know about big shot but I will be a lawyer" I smiled back "come on Sam, don't doubt yourself, you're going to be amazing" Michael always says things like this but hearing somebody other than Dean or Gabe say it really makes me happy, we continued talking for a while but then the professor walked in and began the lecture

"Wow Sam! Maybe I should've been a lawyer, I have so many good notes!" "Yeah maybe you should have Michael" I laughed "SAMSQUATCH!" Suddenly there was a short, fluffy haired Gabriel, with a sucker in his mouth, on my back "hey Gabe, how was your day?" "I FUCKING LOVE FILM STUDIES!" Oh no..what did I start "language!" Michael said slapping Gabe with his notepad "SHUT UP CAPTAIN AMERICA!" Gabe yelled from behind me "HEY! HE'S MY CAPTAIN AMERICA!" "Shit Gabe, you summoned Satan" I whispered with a small smile

"Hey Lucifer, did you have a good day?" I asked "no...I missed my Micha.." Lucifer mumbled walking into Michael's arms while Gabe made a gagging noise

I laughed so hard that I almost dropped Gabe off my back, the only thing that could make this day better would be if Dean and Cas were here

=Castiel's POV=

"I love this day!" I said breathlessly while Dean rolled off me for the -I don't know how many'th- time today "wow angel, I know we said we were going to make up for yesterday but I didn't think all that was going to happen" "oh god De, I don't think I can walk anymore" "good" he smirked

"Shut up" "can we go have breakfast now?" "Is that all you think about? Sex and food?" "Pretty much, yeah" he said smiling and lazily kissing me "let's go, but try to keep your hands off of me while we eat" "no promises" he winked while getting off the bed to get dressed

We walked down the street, Dean's hands touching me everywhere that was publicly appropriate I love this man so damn much it almost hurts

"Dean quit, not right now" I said trying not to give in as he kissed at my neck with a giant smile while we walked around looking for a diner i was looking for a diner "but I love you Cas and I'm going to marry you one day" I froze mid step "what did you just say?" "I love you Cas?" "No no, the other part" "I'm going to marry you one day?" "You're going to marry me one day.." "I'm going to marry you one day." He had a proud smile on his face

He leaned in and started giving me soft kisses all over my face and neck but then we were interrupted by a rough voice "hello Dean.."

This was kind of just a filler chapter, I somewhat know how I'm going to end it, debating between a happy ending or a sad ending, you'll just have to wait and find out ;) *DI67

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