Chapter 7

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A/N: I haven't done this in a while. But I completely forgot about this story. Gonna try to finish the story.

Auto, stared at you and the captain. "This is crazy."
You giggled "you know what else is crazy. Knowing that I am messin with a robot."
You can hear autos chip running and he slightly turned his wheel. He turned to you and zoomed toward you and stops. "You and me have a huge bond."
You shook your head. Already knowing the obvious. Then you hear a sigh. It was the captain, he's finally awake. After getting hit in the nuts.
"Auto, we better run." You jumped.
Auto, nodded. "Agree."
You looked at auto and realize he can't run, he will just go up the ceiling. Logics. You ran up to the elevator And pushed the up arrow. It was taking longer then usual. It's not closing. "WHYYYY!" Trying to push the useless close button on the elevator.
Then you felt a hand on your ankle. It was captain B. "Whyyyyyy, meeeeeee." You whispered. Auto is already on the  next story. You're stuck with the captain.
"What do you want?!" You stutter a bit.
"You, and auto need to separate. I won't let you be together any longer." Captain b frowned while he got up. "You don't have an idea what he's capable of doing. Auto is able to take advantage of people and make them a... an evil person. Yeah, we will keep it that way."
"No, impossible, he's done nothing to hurt me or Anyone. I just woke him up and we have been friends for so long." You smiled and looked at the ceiling.
"If he's screwing with you, we are in trouble." Captain b yelled. "I need to get you out of there."
"NO, I like it here." You yelled back.

Auto came back down. "(Y/n), are you alri.... Captain, what are you doing with (y/n)?"
Captain, turned away from you and looked at auto while pointing "Non of your damn business."
Auto, needed to protect you. But he has to wait till the captain makes the first move.
Captain, took a minute to think. 'He's waiting for me to make the first move. I have to get (y/n)  out quickly as possible, if I assume what auto is doing with (y/n), then I have to fight... actually i can make a run.'
Auto, red light shrunk a little bit. 'What can I do. He's holding (y/n) hostage. I can't fight  first because my program refuses to make the first move.' "Impossible."
"Yeah that's right. It's impossible," captain smiled. "Well, looks like I can leave with y/n."
"No." Auto's red light enlarged. Auto, had to fight the program. He had to fight first.
Auto came launching himself to the captain. The captain threw you back on the elevator and jumped to fight. He jumped and grabbed auto. Preventing auto from turning.
You got up and ran towards auto and the captain.
"Stop you two." You cried.
They didn't listen they where in the middle of trb fight. The captain looked up and reach for the switch. "You're a relieved from duty."
Auto, was trying so hard to fight back. "No."
Your eyes widened and grabbed the bat. "You're relieved from fighting." You swing the bat and it hits the captain stomach. He let go and dropped.
Auto, relaxed looked at you. "Y/n, you saved me."
You ran up to auto and gave him a hug. "I was so scared."
Captain got up  and crossed his arms, "y/n, you're is so much trouble."
You let go of auto and walk towards the captain and looked down. " I didn't want you to turn him off."
Captain crouch down to your level. "Sweetheart, let me tell you something. He's known to break people's heart. I could bring someone in and he would do tbr same thing."
Auto, looked at you. "It's not true. I have gone through so many captains, it hurts. just want one person to be with and it's (y/n)"
The captain seem to disagree with the statement. "Let's give it a test then. Shall we."
Auto, retracted a bit and looked at the captain. If you say so."
The captain brought in another person. Auto tried so hard not to do anything. He was so tempted. You looked at auto, and you could hear the motors running loudly.
"Why am I here again." The random person asked.
"For reasons." Captain smile.
Auto, looked at you and you was still looking at him. You begin to cros your arms.
"That robot has fucked with so many people. It's not funny." The random person said. "I was one of them."
"You what?!" You yelled at auto.
Auto, was scared. "No, wait."
"Because the captain would force auto to screw them. And he would demand it." The random person frowned. "Sorry you're going through some stuff auto."
Everyone looked at the captain. He was nervous.
"You used auto for this." You yelled. "And blamed him for things he was forced to do."
Everyone from the axiom came to your defense. Auto looked around. "Wow."
Everyone forced the captain out and one said "enjoy your time with auto. He needs it."  And left.

You and auto was alone now. "So uh."
"Yeah, it was weird." Auto looked at you. You can still see your reflection.
And so you and auto hug each other and looked at the moon in the axiom.

The end.

So this is the end of the story. I may make a part two at one point. As of now, this is what I got and I hope you enjoy the story. I do read your comments. And yes I agree it's strange.
I have other stories as well.
Thank you for reading.

Sarah A—

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