human and bot love

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after hugging auto, and he gave you a few spankings, you felt tired. you stared at auto and of course auto is still staring back.

"auto, i am getting tired. can we go to sleep?" you asked.

auto stared for a second, and the lights behind him, move a couple inches and an inch back, while making electronic thinking sounds. "yes, we can go to sleep. you are sleeping with me tonight, and forever."

auto, love you a lot. he won't let anyone near you, not even the captain. and whenever you disobey, you have the ear piece that will give you a shock, which is painful. you guess auto is doing it for love. when you got comfy, auto did the same, and he made sure you fell a sleep first, which means staring at you. "bed" he commanded, and you did whatever he said, you never fail to make him mad, and you don't want him to be mad either. you obey as much as you can, and if you ever do anything bad, you would accept the consequence.

you lied down, and look at the ceiling, auto brought you a cover and a pillow, and he came close to you. you kissed auto. he could blush, but he is a robot, you doubt he could do anything.

the next day, you open your eyes to the sounds of a computer being used. you sat up and streached with a yawn. next to you was breakfast... in a cup. belch.

auto came in through the holes. "good morning, babe. how are you? did you sleep well?"

"yes sir, i slept well, and i am well. you?" you asked.

"well, as always, ever since you came to the axiom when the captiain was being an ass, and he turned me off, two years you came back and turned me back to autopilot i been having feelings for you and you only." auto stared.

"i have always have feelings for you, i don't want to risk getting in trouble and getting kicked out from the headquarters. when you stare, it was very sexy, and when you look at me to ask me a question, i always answer you with a yes sir." You smiled.

"yes, i do remember that, you follow my directive, when no one else did. the captain was a fool, i can't believe i made him captian, you probably be better as captain." auto stared..

"what do you like about me?" you asked.

"well. there are so many things, like, when go-4 called you up the go up to the captain quarters, you never fail to come in time. you come when you are told, and you never disobey. there are so many more reasons, but i don't know about saying them all."
You blushed to that and hide your face. Auto loves you for who you are and how you are able to do whatever he says. Just the thought of that made you blush more and feeling hot on your face.
Auto stared, he turns his wheel to the clamp, and moves it towards you. You looked up and saw his clamp that is open for you to grab, you out your hand out and he pulled you up.
You went up the elevator while auto went through his... uh... holes.. *cough*... ( I don't what exact names it's called.)
When you are up, auto was there waiting, that silly wheel knows what you are to.. creepy. And cool?
Auto, came towards you and grabbed you by the hand, dragging you to the computer room. "This is what the captain used to do when he awakes and to make sure the ship is operating as she is."
Great, not only you have to listen to the story of what the captain did, but the axiom is a she?..
"With all do respect, auto. But what is her name and how do you know it's a she."
Auto stared, but it looks deathly..
" I am sorry auto, you don't have to answer. I... I was just curious." Your words came out strange.
Auto stares again, and moves his wheel two inches. " her name is Maria. And I do not know is it's a he or a she. I assume it's a she."
You looked at auto and looked down. "I am sorry.."
auto grabbed you and took you to the table and spanked you until you cried.
"Are you questioning me?"  Auto stared with anger
"N-no sir.." you looked at space, it was spacey, while sobbing.
Auto stared at you, and turns his wheel to the right by one centimeter.  And you where shocked on the floor. Dammit auto.
You looked at auto, and he stared, with his whole wheel facing you. "A-auto.. I sorry. Don't hurt me. Please."
Auto grabbed a tissues and gave it to you. " I am sorry, (Y/N). Please forgive me, for my actions. I don't want to hurt you."
You sniffed and accepted the tissue. "I forgive, jsit don't hurt me, unless I did something really bad."
Auto stared with the lights behind him move and inch and back. "Thank you."
Auto loves you so much that he felt bad about his behavior.
dammit the captain is back again. You hear he elevator coming up towards them. "Auto!" You whispered.
Auto looked and grabbed you to the captains room. "Stay, I don't know why the captain think it's Okay to come in at random times."
Auto lift himself up the the hole closes and you hear auto and the captain having an argument.. shrimp not this again..
you had to disobey, you took the elevator up and you see the captain grabbing auto. "No, please don't hurt auto!" You yelled.
The captain lets go. "I am not letting one eye treat you badly."
Auto stared at the captain. "I am not abusing (Y/N)!"
Captain B narrow his eyes. "Let see what she says.." then he looks at you. Both auto and the captain.
"Auto is not doing anything to hurt me, he is protecting me as a friend..." auto interrupts..
"Yes, girlfriend. And he love me."
Captain B stared at you. "It's not possible, hun. It can't be."
Auto stared at the captain, trying to taze him. Cause calling you hun makes him mad.
"Settle down you two. I don't need no fights over me. I am good and I have no problems whatsoever. Auto has been very loyal, and done nothing to hurt me." You remember how he spanked you. You looked at him and he is ready to punish you. "Once you know auto, he is a sweetheart."
Captain b stared at auto fiercely.
"Okay, like I said I am worried about you. I will be back in 6 hours to see what is up."
"Will do." You smiled. And auto is staring as usual.
The captain looked at both and went in the elevator, turned around and nodded, and it closes.
Hearing it go down and seeing the captain walks out, you exhale of relive. You looked back and auto was staring. You smiled nervously.
"You are the first and only girl who has my back."
Auto came to you and you gave him a hug and he can somehow try to hug back.
Until it's time to go to sleeps.

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