the captain's plan

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You  watched Auto do Auto things, the buttons are inactive but he pushes them, just for his satisfaction. You decided to poke Auto. He turned around and stared. 

"are you okay, babe?" 

"I miss you." You stared. 

"I miss you too, do you need a hug?" Auto turned a little to give you his pincher. 

"yes, please a hug."  You walk up to  Auto and give him a hug. and kissed next to his eye. 

"I am concerned about, captain continuously coming back. does he not trust me?" Auto stared at you, with his red eye. 

"I am scared he is going to turn you off, I would avoid getting to close to the captain." 

Auto, grabbed you and pulled you close. "oh, but you turn me on." 

"can robots get turned on?" You asked. 

"of course, I do everything for you." Auto's red eye shrunk a bit and back to normal. "SEXXXXXX" 

"I am going to be so mad if the captain comes up and ask what I am doing..." 

"sexxxxx" Auto stares. 

"waiiiit, I hear the elevator.. oh wait."  you look back at Auto and he was jammed for being to horny. "oh boys." 

you fixed auto, he leaves an oily mess, but Auto is not done yet, he grabs you by the shirt and lays you down, he pulls your pants down and he opens your Vag, and uses his pinchers to navigate the G-spot. you wiggled around, you can feel the climax hitting you. "you are almost there." Auto goes harder hitting the G-spot 20x faster. 

you moaned, trying to keep your climax in, but then he stopped and twisted the pinchers around, feeling a smooth sensation of cool metal, and he stops again and he goes fast again and climax hit faster then a train. 

you end up climaxing faster then you ever did. you feel your body tensing, and reliving after that. you took a deep breath and smiled. 

"thank you auto." You smiled. 

"thank you, (Y/N)." Auto responded. 

You quickly cleaned the area, and the Captain happen to come up. Auto, stared at the elevator. Captian frowned as he looks around. "it smells like sex!"

"irrelevant Captain."  Auto stared. 

Captian look for you. "(Y/N)!" 

You came up and saluted. "Captian." 

"Explain the smell of Sex!" 

"How do you smell sex?"  You frowned. 

"don't play, I am asking a very serious question." 

"I have not done sex. In fact not for a long time. I bet its grease to keep everything functioning." 

"true," Captian walk towards Auto. "I have plans. for you!" 

Captian look at both and walk towards the elevator and nodded. "will be back." 

"bye." you frowned. 

"quick, look like he has plans."  you frowned. 

"bad plans." auto stared. 

                                   at night 

Auto watches you sleep, then the elevator was sounded. Auto looks back and slants a little downward. Captain was holding a bat. "you are going down auto." 

auto got his taser out. "not possible." 

captain walk towards Auto, he taps the bat with his hand, "this is how it is going to end." 

You awake to see captain with a bat on in his hand with Auto preparing with his taser. "what the fudge on a night is going on here." 

you got up and walk towards the Captian, "was your plan to attack auto?" 

"One eye has done things in the past. won't let it happen to you."  Captian moved you out of the way. "this ends now." 

you looked at Captian, and angered. walk towards him and grabbed the bat away from the captain. "you can't have toys, sir." 

"young one, I command you to give me the bat back ." captain crossed his arms. 

"NO!!" you ran way with the bat. 

"oh no you don't." Captian ran towards you. 

Auto stared. "babe, I will save." 

"hurry, please Auto." you ran trying to catch breath.

captain grabs you and you scream. "got you motherf*cker. You do not run from me." 

You manage to kick the Captian on the balls and you ran away. "auto, don't stand there." 

"my gosh, you pack a kick." 

you ran off down the elevator, to downstairs. auto moved down. "captains in the bridge." 

"yes I know, auto." 

captain got down the elevator, and smiled. "i found you." 

you look at the captain and look around for a corner. and hide. 

" looks like you can't hide from good old captain B. hm?" 

Auto cases the Captain and he was down. 

"now what?" you looked at auto. 


well, this goes for this chapter. there will be more soon. I hope you enjoy the story. 

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