the meet (with some lemons)

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you reached up to the switch to see what auto is gonna do, you switched it to auto, and it awakes from it sleep for the two years of it sleeping. auto looked around and see the earth, and looked at green grass. he was amazed that earth was livable. looking around, he saw you; he didn't regonize you at first but after getting his memory back, he got you in a heartbeat. he looked at you and you looked at him, you fell in love with a steering wheel. you try to forget about him, but the way he stares at you with that red eye, it is creepy and cool. you looked at auto with dreamy eyes and without relizing you blushed, just because the thought of you and him together.

auto looked, giving him time to remember you. and after thirty seconds, he remembers you. he looked mad. "what are you doing here?"

"i wanted to see you. you been off for two years and i want to check up on you." you answered.

auto stared with the sound he is making with the little lights he has behind his eye. auto cant't blush, but if he would he could, you could imagine him. "why (Y/N)? can't you see.. i am just a wheel, who wanted a plant. but, you are the only human who would come back and think about me."

"well, there is more to that.. but i rather not tell ya." you felt like you gave to much information to auto, but you hope he don't realize it.

"tell me this, i heard you came in and touch me? is that what i think you are doing?" auto stared.

"wait. you still work, even on manual?"

"yes, but its more of a security camera. it's live. do you have feelings for me?" auto turn his wheel buy an inch.

"well, uh.." you look around and back at auto. "how do i say this. i can't really do anything with a a wheel. but yes i do have feelings for you."

auto's eye shrunk. " why, is it something in me that you like?"

" it's more of first, you are being what you are told, and you are not a bad guy. second, you are cute and you are just been judged wrong. and third, something in you it makes me want to give you a hug." you smiled nervously.

auto took a while to respond, probably trying to out all of this information in together and coming up with something good. "well, i can say.. you been pretty good to me when we where in space, and treated me with respect. i just didn't know how to tell you that i have feeling for you too, without getting in trouble with the captain." auto looked at you from head to toe. he then got closer to you. " i think you are really cute in that tank-top. why not show me some things."

"what kind of things." you slowly felt turned on. you had a plant on your pocket that you forgot you had. you slowly pulled out the plant from your back pocket and gave auto the plant. auto grabbed and stared at it with the clamp he used to grab the plant.

" you actually gave me a plant." auto stared. auto grabbed your tank top and pulled it up above your head. you looked at auto, as he stares back but he looked different. guessing since he has some emotion and he loves you. auto try to pull your bra out but you refused and slapped the clamp he is using to remove you clothes. he got closer to the point you walk backwards to the nearest wall, and sit down and he was there staring. "give up to me, surrender yourself to me. i will show you s good time." auto stared.

"is there rules i got to follow?" you asked as an instinct.

"yes, but i will tell them to you later." auto said as he look down at you.

auto was pretty serious about all of this, he probably never get to the one to make the rules, or be the dom. he always want to be. which is understandable. "i want you to listen to me, everything i say. you will be here to see me, and you are to be here at a certain time, and if i don't see you at that time, i will punish you, and when you enter, your eyes are to look down until i say you can look at me."

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