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"hey, good afternoon maam. can i know your order?"

"hello. uhmm... one caramel macchiato large and a 12 round rainbow cake. to go please."

"coming right up maam."

that's my daily life aside from going to school, i also work as a part timer in a cafe in weekends then i tutor some kids or sometimes teens on weekdays after class. but as of now that the school is cancelled for a week, i work as a full timer in the cafe, to support my needs as i am living independently.

when my shift is nearly done. i received a text from irene.

From Irene:

turn around.

and when i turned i saw the girls smiling at me and waving their hands. joy signaled me to come at their table.

"why are you here?"

"well, you always refuse our invites. so we've come to a decision to come here and drag you."

"i'm not yet finished with my shift, seulgi."

"then, we'll wait for you to be done."

"okay, as if i have a choice. anything you want to order?"

"nah, we're full." joy said while caressing her tummy.

"but i want dessert! can i have a blueberry cheesecake, wendy?"

"sure. okay girls, behave and wait for me. don't cause any trouble, alright?"

"copy that madame!" they all said in unison.

after bringing their order, i came back to the counter and started working again.

"so what are our plans today?"

"what about going to the library?" i teased them knowing what will they reaction be, i giggled.

"oh come on wendy! that's not part of the plan for today." yerim said with a growl.

"yeah, exactly. how about going to the club?" joy said while wiggling her eyebrows.

"yes. no." we said. i said the no part.

"majority wins, wendy. now come on i'll make you sexy hot tonight" joy said and winked at me. i rolled my eyes in response. well, i don't have a choice! they will eventually dragged me and i don't want to cause a scene!

going to the party is a joy thing. obviously. this isn't the first time i'm going to the club, joy dragged us several times and she dresses us, well me to be particular. she said that the way i dress isn't fit to clubs! what is wrong with wearing a mom jeans, sneakers and a neutral shade of shirt?

she dressed me with a white cropped fitted tank top and a black shorts with a velvet heels.

"wow wendy. this style suits you! you should dress like this, you need to show your body! enough of always wearing aesthetic casual clothes!" seulgi exclaimed and whistled.

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