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our table was filled with laughter, teasing and flirting. and i would lie if i told you that these guys looks like perverts at first specially the suga one, he looks like a one night stand kind off man. but they are not, i should really live with the motto; don't judge a book by it's cover. their fun to be with.

"that's because you wreck everything you touch" jin said while shaking his head. we all have introduced ourselves early before staring all this drinking and talking stuff.

"well, that's my forte. and atleast i'm a genius!" namjoon defensively said.

"let's not argue about that. your really genius and i hope i had your sexy brain" taehyung said and we all laugh.

as the time passes, the beverages that's on our table gets more and more. some of us were on the dance floor, only me,suga and jin were in the table. and i'm feeling like i have a sack of rice on top of my head while spinning. so i lay my back to the sofa, leaned my head and closed my eyes.

"hey, you okay?" from the voice i heard, i know that this is suga.

"yeah. my head is pounding, it's heavy and it's spinning." i said while still have a closed eyes. he chuckled.

i flinched when he puts my head on his shoulder and wrapped his arms on my waist.

"do you want me to send you home?" he softly asked.

"maybe later. thank you but i live with joy so we're going home together." i gibberishly said. he pinched the top of my nose and chuckled.

"okay, beautiful. but they're still on the dance floor just rest for the mean time" he said while caressing my waist gently that gave me butterflies.

wait, what?! butterflies?! omygosh what am i a teenager with a freaking crush?!

all this years i've been guarding my heart from playboy. because i fell for one before, and it broke me. so i promised myself to not get fooled by them. not again. and this is the first time, i've been taking care of in the club, by a man! that's not one of my friends. and what's more shocking is, my head is still on his shoulder. i didn't budge nor protested. really wendy?

maybe, this is just a dream? a hangover dream? a drunk dream?

i don't know if what i think it is triggered me to wake up, but i woke up with a light that's heating my cheek.

"what the hell?" i said while i sat up and held my head, eyes still closed. gosh this head spinned me around harshly that i felt like my world has spun around with it, and i can't keep up! i groaned and opened my eyes that adjusted my vision from the sudden light contact.

"where the hell am i?" i looked around the room, the hotel room. and when realization hit me. i nearly screamed but i covered my mouth and looked under the sheets.

okay, i still have my clothes on. i checked my phone that's on the table beside the bed and time check, it's 7am! holy mother of all planets! i got work in 1hour! and i was busy familiarizing myself from the scene where i didn't notice that there's someone on the room where i supposed to be the restroom.

holy freak of the pluto! it's a man! by the way that i can familiarize my scent, it's a hundred percent a man's scent. i quickly got up and went out but as quiet as possible. and while making out through the door i noticed a familiar suit that hanged on the cabinet beside the mirror. but i was cut off with my thinking when a doorknob clicked. freak! i went out, hopped in the elevator, hailed a cab and went home.

"where the hell have you been?"

"why didn't you answered your phone?"

"did you get railed?"

"was he good?"

"where was it held?"

"did you get his number?"

those questions were thrown at me once i opened my room, which is at joy's house. yes, i live with joy. i refused at first but she insisted when the news came to her door, knocking.

" can you girls let me rest first? i've got this huge headache and i still got work in about 40 minutes so, can i?"

joy and yerim just chuckled while seulgi and irene shook their head and stared at me full of worry. i told them i'm fine and i really got to go preparing, that was their cue to really not push through and continue it later, i know they will continue pestering me with questions when i got back.

my day went on smoothly. well, i wouldn't say normally because i was nearly late but still got on time. i worked and prepared just like flash earlier and i didn't know i can move that fast.

i was cleaning the front table when i heard the door ringed.

"i'm sorry but, we're closed-"

"you left something. look up."

and when i looked at his face, i was shocked? surprised, rather.

"why, what? huh?" i confusingly said.

"you left something, this morning. on my house" then he went in for his pocket and grab my school id!

"you left this hanging on the bed and left me hanging too"

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