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" wendy, can i have your paper please? i didn't got the lesson so i didn't work on my assignment."

"sure. here you go, yeri." i handed her my paper and she kissed me on the cheek while saying "you're the best!" and i just chuckled. i leaned my head on my table and decided to took a nap.

after last night. he keeps on texting and calling me, asking where i am as i left the bar early. i just felt exhausted because of work and i really need to rest early as our class schedule was changed to a more early time. but i didn't reply to him. i just don't feel like it.

as much as possible, i'll leave a distance between us- no scratch that- i'll avoid him. i just think he's not good for me, me as a whole from physically to mentally me.

"do you really won't answer your phone? it keeps on vibrating and ringing the whole day. is there someone bothering you?" irene asked.

"no. it's just a spam sender, i think."

"or it's the guy who were checking you out last night" joy said and she winked.

"no." and i sighed.

"okay, there's one way to find out." yerim said and she snatched my phone out of my pocket jeans.

i didn't pay much attention to it as i was reviewing, we have an incoming graded recitation and they won't know my password.

"okay, i got in!" seulgi said. wait- how?

"hey, you left early?" and i know they'll read out loud. *sighs*

"babe, are you okay? did you get home safely?"

"why didn't you wait for me?"

"just got home babe"

"maybe you're already sleeping. good night, see you later, wink wink" i shook my head. did yeri have to say the emoji?

"good morning babe, you have a class? study well for our future!"

"saw you passing by the cafe i was in, you look pretty in your outfit!"

"hey, why aren't you replying?"

"i'm hurt babe. sad face"

"boys are going to the bar later, you coming with your friends?"

"hey, babe. what did i do--"

"okay that's enough, gimme that." and i snatched my phone and turned it off.

"there no more distraction now can we study in peace now?"

"hmm, okay BABE" joy teasingly said and emphasized the word babe. gosh this will be a long day of teasing for me.

"why don't you reply to him? he seems like a nice guy."

"he as in mister min or he as in mister jeon?" joy teasingly said and sipped through her drink with a smirk.

"enough of it already, we're at the library and how did you even brought that in, joy!" i whisper-yelled at joy. she just shrugged as a response.

they kept on bothering me and keep on snatching my phone to reply to him but i just glared at them.

if only they know what guys he and his friends are.

i wanted to tell them that but i just want to know them more before telling my judgement to others.

i believe every bad side has its good side, maybe they have their own reasons for their behavior which is being a 'playboy'. or do they really have a reason for playing girls?

i just hope me and the girls will not be used by them. i like them as friends, they are fun to be with and the way the care for my girls are heart warming.

"wendy, are you really not coming with us? he might wait for your arrival." joy teased.

"no. today is my rest day, have a shift tonight at the cafe. you girls enjoy but be mindful please."

"yeah, we got it. text me every time okay?" seul said. and i just nodded and waved.

i was peacefully sleeping when i heard my door beeped. i wasn't fully aware so i went back from lying on my bed. but i swiftly stood up when a glass shuttered.

someone is in my house.

i grabbed my phone by my already shaking hands and texted the girls, spam them, called them but no one answered.

i heard the footstep getting closer to my bedroom so i went to the door and locked it.

"please answer irene,please please please" i was muttering pleases but to she won't answer, they don't answer their phones.

i flinched when the intruder started banging my door. i was silently crying and calling the girls but they won't answer but i didn't gave up, i still kept on calling them.

i shrieked when i heard cracking and the banging started getting louder and louder... they are trying to wreck the door so i went into my closet and hid there.

i covered my mouth when the door was jammed. he or she is here.

my phone vibrated and i answered it right away not minding to look who's the one who called...

"hi babe, you keep on calling the girls's phone, their phone are with me in the table. what's the matter,where are you-"

"help me. please help me suga." i whispered

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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