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"yes, you babe. now please? we're nearly their."

i opened the compartment infront of me and looks at his stuff.

"it's not here. what's the color of your wallet?" i ask while still going through some stuff.

"the black one." and he chuckled as jimin said something that i didn't quite catch.

"oh... wait is that? yoongi who's the 'babe' your calling right now? i just heard her voice and it's so familiar."

"it's a secret chim. don't get your hopes up this one's mine and i'm not up for sharing, you flirty man." he chuckled. so him and his friends are the boys my mom warned me about, i hope seulgi knows because judging by the way she looked at him at the bar when we met them, her eyes sparkled.

"to hell with you suga! just hurry up and bring her too, i'm preparing my speech for your girl and dirty mouthed you so you better hurry up before my list gets long" he chuckled at the end.

"don't you even try. and don't worry she's coming with me her friends are also there, now you got the clue? thanks babe." he winked at me as i put his wallet through the compartment between us and he ended the call while jimin was still saying something.

the ride was surrounded by a light music that's playing on the radio. and it's annoying, his smirk annoys me.

"can you remove that smirk? it's annoying."

"well i can't. so deal with it, babe."

i just groaned and he chuckled. he had the audacity to laugh while i was keeping my calm. so when we got in the bar i went out without waiting for him and went in.

"park. joy park" i told the guard and he let me in. joy's well known here, well she's known by everyone in this city even in some countries. she's a model, she quit school to pursue modeling and i was against it, we were against it at first. but then we can see how she is really passionate about it and what friend will we be if we don't support her from what's making her happy right?

"wani wani wendy! my baby is here!" seulgi said.

"seul, are you already drunk?"

"no. i just thought you won't come and by the way who's with you-" she got cut off when a hand wrapped around my waist.

"you left me again,babe." he huskily said and pecked my temple and i glared at him which he just grinned at.

"b-babe?! wendy?! whauhshwhwbwhsbbe" she confusingly mumbled.

"oh so she's the babe 'babe' that you're talking about huh?" jimin came and puts his hand on seul's shoulder but she just yanked it off.

"not my wendy. choose other girls there, just not my wendy. she's too precious for devils like you and you" she said while pointing at jimin and yoongi. and she pulled me by my arm.

"you two... love quarrel?"

"we're not!!" she screamed.

"okay, no need to scream seul" i chuckled and followed her into a room. definitely a love quarrel.

"wendy,love! order anything you want!"

"okay joy, oh where are you going?"

"i'll look for a hottie sugar daddy! i feel like i'll go broke in a few days!" she whined and went out.

"she's not getting broke. she's heart broken, she just worked with her ex." yeri explained.

"omg! really?" i exclaimed.

"yeah, they partnered with a underwear brand and she saw the girl, his ex's new girlfriend, the girl he used to cheat with joy." she continued.

so that's why she's already that drunk when we got here. poor joy:(

we were busy telling how our day went. well mostly teasing, they tease me when i told them the story of how suga came here with me.

"oh be careful. falling inlove with him won't do you anything good. you too, seul. that jimin is a king of flirting." irene said while looking intently at us.

" i won't" seul said and groaned.

"he just likes annoying me, that's all" i said.

"you advice them to be careful? you, irene? really? the handsome guy just hit on you!"

" i did not entertain him."

"you still replies to his messages, so you're getting his hopes up. making you his easy target." joy explained.

irene just groaned and yeri laughed.

joy has a point, those boys are going to break us once we let them enter in our lives.

"offer then friendship, that way you won't be rude to reject them if they ever hit on you, and they will eventually get the point that you girls won't fight back." joy said and she drank from her cup.

we can do that right? i can do that.

more drinks came in to our room, yeri turned the karaoke on, seulgi, irene and me was just frowning while joy is lecturing us, still about the boys."

"wait, hold up. i need to go to the restroom. i gotta pee." i said.

i hurriedly went to the restroom while seulgi was still calling my name. i really need to use the restroom or i'll pee myself.

when i went out of the restroom with a sigh, i saw two people making out in the hallway. these two really need a room. when the guy turned around, i was a bit shocked. that's why he's figure was familiar! when he was about to open his eyes i already went to the other way.

it was suga, making out with a girl.

joy was right, they will only play with our feelings.

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