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"left you-...what now?"

"left this hanging on the bed and left me hanging too. do you copy now?"

"hanging from what?"

"hanging from reaching the heavens?"

i looked at him mortified. i was still in my clothes the moment i woke up, with undergarments untouched. is he playing with me?

"you must've wrongly accused me from a girl that you're talking about."

"no can do,babe. this is your id. now tell me how can i got this from you? and not to mention how did this, hanged itself through my bed, this morning? hmm?"

"i still have my clothes and all when i woke up. so, nothing did ever happen last night. stop playing with me and get this over with"

"uhuh with all of my sufferings just do get you home safely last night without a return? i ain't no saint to get things in your way so easily, babe" he winked and yanked my id away from me when i sneakily grab it from him.

"what do want in return?"


"well, i'm sorry but i have to disappoint you because i refuse to do that favor. i'm not some chick who you can warm your bed in just a snap, mister. so please, let's get this over with."

"i was just kidding,babe. i was just testing the waters, see if you'll change your decision and make me really reach those heavens but i already see your response coming, so i'm not really that surprised you refused." he said while handing me some of the plates that were on the table beside the cashier.

"thank you. ashley can you please take these please, there's still some left over plates in the table beside the cashier. i'm sorry"

"it's okay wendy i got it all covered! go and don't keep your man waiting!" she said and i was about to refuse and correct her but this man, named suga, cut me off.

"thank you annie? perhaps you know how impatient men can get when it comes to waiting. we have to go now. thanks again!" he said while he caught my wrist and pulled me toward the exit.

"wait! i didn't have closed the shop yet!! suga let me go!!"

"no need to worry wendy! and it's ashley,mister! i can close the shop for you wendy. just enjoy and text me about what will happen!" she excitedly said.

well her voice is full of conviction, so i have no other choice to go with this man who's still dragging me by my wrist. and for the record, i owe hin for not doing something from me while i passed out.

i sent a text to joy. just in case;)

To: Joy
joy! i maybe, be late on going home. i'm with suga, i'm treating him 'cuz apparently he took care of me last night. just returning the favor. lock the doors, i got my keys. don't wait for me and just rest. love you.

"so why didn't you sent me home last night? why did you bring me to your home?"

"well after you fell asleep on my shoulder, i left you with your other friend to do some business. came back to you alone. i tried to look for yours and my friends but they vanished, not answering my calls. had no choice to take you home."

so it wasn't a dream. he really made me sleep in his shoulder. he is indeed a dreamy guy.

"business? what business are you talking about?"

"you know, girls, mouths, kiss, and then fuc-"

"okay! too much information." i immediately cut him off since i already know where our conversation will go.

i take it back! he's not a dreamy boy! he's a fboy! ugh i was fooled!

"oh stop playing innocent, babe." he playfully said and i glared at him which he returned with his laugh. a sexy laugh. wait huh?

"i'm not, because i am innocent. and i have a name so please stop calling me that."

"ooh fiesty, i like it" he teasingly said and glanced at me with a smirk. i just scoffed at him in return.

the ride was full of him teasing me and i just had to keep my cool, even though i have this urge to tape his nose and mouth to not let him live for long.

while i was starring at the window, my phone beeped.

From: Joy
ooh so he's the guy who spiced up your night. we're with the guys tell him we're at the same bar.

"hey, your friends and mine are in the ba-" i was cut off with his phone ringing. he answered it on the screen of his car.


"yow! where are you bro?"

"i'm in the middle of driving. so tell me why did you call before i drop this call right now, chim"

"oh doing some of your business again? we're at the bar with the girls"

"what do you mean by girls?"

"the girl who you had a crush-"

"chim! uh-huh text me the address, don't really know what you're talking about right now."

"oh really? what you've got an amnesia now?"

"just... ugh damn! babe? babe, can you please get my wallet on your side thanks" he said without looking at me and i was shocked. is he talking to me or?

"oh driving and groaning? a car blowjo-"

"babe? please?" he cuts him off again and looks at me this time.

"me?" i whispered.

"yes, you babe. now please? we're nearly there." he said and i cleared my dry throat.

wait? how? why? huh?

why do i feel this every time?

every time he calls me-... never mind.

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