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" why are you acting like that wendy?"

"acting like what?"

"acting like you like me now?"

"what are you saying suga?"

"you weren't like this before son seungwan"


"don't act dumb now. don't you swear tell me"

"tell you what now suga? can you please hurry i'm late for clas-"

"don't tell me you've fallen for me, just like the other girls?"

"stop spitting nonsense min yoongi. if this is all you wanted to talk about i'm going to class let's talk about this some other time"

"you're already late so what's with the hurry? ms.son seungwan?"

"i said stop with this. what you're thinking is not true, it's all in your head. get your grip and let me go"

"is it really in my head?"

"then what do you want me to say?"

"just admit it wendy then this is done"

"what will i admit? i already told you that whoever told you that is lying"

"then look at me in my fcking eyes wendy!"

"i don't even know why it's important for you to waste our time talking about this matter when i already told you my answer"

"then why can't you look at me straight in my eyes. i can't get my answer when these past few weeks you've been avoiding me"

"i'm not avoiding you yoongi"

"stop fcking lying!! you don't reply to my texts and when our friends are having lunch together you always have an excuse, you've been dodging my calls and you're always late to come home!! now tell me what's the reason. is it because of that fcking dare our friends made us do? just what the heck wendy! it was a fcking dare don't tell me you've fallen already? is that how fast you catch feelings with me just like the girls i've been in bed? do you also want me to bed you---"

i didn't let him finish what he's about to say when i slapped him.

"how dare you say that! i've been completely honest with you and all this time that's what you're thinking? that all of the people who know me best you judge me like those tweets about me saying that i bed the boys in this school? well news flash min yoongi sorry to disappoint you but i don't do that, i don't do it your way!!!"

"so you're telling me that i bed all the girls in this school?"

"i didn't say that. it comes from your own mouth"

"but that's what you're trying to tell me wendy"

"you're misinterpreting my words yoong--"

my words were cut off when he puts his lips in mine. i tried to push him but he just tightens his hold on my waist and he pulled me closer to him.

"stop.yoongi.please.stop" i mumbled through the kiss as tears were continuously flowing.

when he let me go i pushed him and slap him again.

"fucking asshole"

and i left him in the hallway. i rushed in through the ladies restroom got inside a cubicle and started crying my heart out letting the heavy weight out through my sobs.

i wasn't like this before, this is the first time i've hurt him physically and i'll be lying if i said that he don't deserve that slap. i'm used to him being cold and cad but why do i'm feeling crushed now? did i really have fallen for him now or was it just all in my head after hearing him said those words?

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