Thanks A Lot Moron

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I changed into my clothes and asked Ricky for the time.
"8:30" he responded. He was already dressed and he had his hair done, as did I.
"we will meet you downstairs. Or you can go check on shoey in the other room," I said. I walked out, followed by Ricky. I went into Chloe's room while Ricky knocked on Shane and joeys door. I sat on the bed. Her bathroom door was open and she was sitting on a chair, straightening her hair.
"Hey," she said, looking over at me and smiling.
"Hey," I responded, giving her a grin. Her eyes were sparkling, but she looked back at the mirror and continued on with her hair.
"Okay I'm done," she said about 2 minutes later.
"Awesome, lets go check on shoey," I responded.
Shoey was Shane and joey, I knew that already from their funny youtube vids together.
I walked over to him, held his hand and walked across the hall. I made sure to close the door behind us. Connor knocked firmly, but not too loud... if that makes sense.
The door opened, revealing a very happy Joey Graceffa.
"You guys almost ready?" Connor asked.
It was awkward, standing right in front of him like this when our last experience really talking to each other was a complete and totally tear fest.
"Yup! Shane is just fixing his tie," he responded, a little grin on his face. He looked at me.
"And how have you been?" He asked. I squeezed Connors hand a bit tighter. He looked down at me.
"We will meet you guys down in the diner okay? Be there in 10 minutes!" Connor yelled to the other boys in the room.
"Okay," they all said in unison. Me and Connor started walking to the diner.
"So, why did you get anxious?" He asked.
"What?" I responded with a question, something everyone hates.
"Why were you so nervous around him?" He asked.
"Because of what happened before. I don't want to take the chance," I said. We made our way to the dinner, not saying another word.
Did she like him or something? I don't understand why she cant give me a solid reason as to why she's so uncomfortable around Joey.
Me and Connor asked for a table for 5 and sat down. I sat across from Connor. Ricky, Joey and Shane walked in not too long after us. Ricky sat next to me. And Shane sat on the other side of me. Joey sat across from Shane.
"Hello and welcome! I'm Cassy, how may I help you?" A waitress in a bright red uniform with white tights came over to us. Her eyes locked on Ricky. She seemed in love. Ricky wasn't paying attention to her though.
"Um... I will have a coke," I said.
"Coke in the morning?" Connor asked.
"What? I need a little energy boosting drink," I said.
"Try redbull it does wonders," Shane said. Everyone cracked up.
"Coke," Connor said. Everyone else got a coke too. Maybe because I was getting it? Maybe because everyone likes coke. Or maybe even both.
"Okay I will be right back with your orders," the waitress said, smiling and then walking away, winking at Ricky.
"Dude, she totally likes you," I elbowed Ricky.
"Ow. What? Really? Eh," he responded.
"She totally has a crush on you!" I said.
"No... she's not my type," he responded.
"Then what is your type?" Me and Connor said in unison, then giggled.
"I don't know," he said.
We all cracked up, and for a reason? I really don't know why. It was only like 9:15 in the morning, we needed something to take our minds off the nervousness and excitement of Vidcon.
We had about 1 hour of eating time and then we seriously had to get to our rooms to get ready for Vidcon.
"So, anyone here like super hungry?" I asked. Thats when I giggled because I realized that I was the only girl. It was actually really weird why it took me so long to figure that out when it was probably so obvious.
"Me!" They all responded in unison.
"Shane, wheres Lisa?" Joey asked looking at Shane.
"She's hanging out with a bunch of other wierdos," Shane responded.
"Cool," I heard Connor mumble.
"Chloe, wheres Kian?" Joey looked at me. Tears filled my eyes, I looked down at my hands. He betrayed me, what was I supposed to say?
"Um... he's not here. What did you guys order?" Connor answered for me, then changed the subject. God I love him.
"Okay. Jeez," joey mumbled. I got up and walked into the bathroom. I ran over to the toilet and sat on the seat. No I was peeing or anything. It was a one person bathroom, so there was no one else there.
I let the tears flow out of me. I didn't know what else to do, it felt great to just let everything go. All of the pain, sadness, came out as water from my eyes.
I heard a knock on the door. I wiped the tears away from my face and walked over to the mirror.
"Who is it?" I asked, my voice shaky.
I opened the door, he walked in, and I closed it behind him. He hugged my waist as I looked in the mirror.
"You okay?" He whispered in my ear.
"Yeah," I said.
She got up and practically ran over to the bathroom.
"Nice going moron," Ricky reached over and punched joeys arm. I got up and started walking towards the bathroom, I heard whimpers coming from behind the bathroom door.
It got so awkward until Connor changed the subject. I wanted to smack joey for that, but I couldn't in front of her. She got up and ran to the bathroom.

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