Chapter 36 part 2

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When I turned around, Lira was nowhere to be seen, I couldn't even catch a glimpse of her. Perhaps she went to find a drink. Raf handed me a drink. "There she is." He stated, his voice a little more louder than normal. I followed his eye line to see Marina at the other end of the room. She was being protected by four guards. She looked out of place and very uncomfortable. "I'm going to say hello." Raf said as he quickly gulped down the rest of his drink. "Don't be long." Was all I said to him before he got swallowed up by the crowd.

I was alone now with only Sergio for company. I didn't recognise many of the people at this party and even if I did, I couldn't give a fuck. It wasn't an important night. Several women did try to seduce me and I gave them no response, simply pointing them Sergio's way which he did not appreciate. I don't know why.

I was on my third drink now, watching the Russians. The fucking bastards. My mind kept replaying the thought of them even trying to touch Lira. I could only see Dimitri and Jasha. Dimitri was the one running the show and Jasha was his little pet. Both brothers were smoking, with Jasha clutching a woman tightly to his chest.

Suddenly, the music changed from heavy rock to a slow melody. Everyone quietened down and I saw that men began to dance with the women. Fuck. Just as I was about to go outside for a smoke, I head a voice. "Would you care for a dance?"

I smiled and turned to face a lady, the top half of her face being concealed with a mask. I could recognise her just by her eyes. "Certainly." I smiled and held out a hand which she grabbed.

I held her body close to mines, my hand being wrapped around her waist with the other holding her hand. We moved slowly. "So I don't think we have had the pleasure of meeting." She spoke, her lips tugging up slightly. I hummed. "I'm Vicenzo. A doctor." I smiled.

"A doctor. That's incredible." She smiled showing her perfect teeth. "Are you going to tell me your name?" I asked her as I teased my hand lower down her back. "Lira. My name's Lira. And I'm..a murderer." She spoke with a evil grin.

"I'm absolutely terrified." I joked as I spun her around. She was exceptional. "Where did you go?" I asked her as we swayed to the music, completely forgetting our surroundings. She rested her head on my shoulder. "I went to the ladies. I bumped into one of them. The Russians. And let's just say he's unconscious somewhere." She chuckled into my ear, her breath sent tingles down my spine.

"Which one?" I asked her. "I don't fucking know. The short one with the lazy eye." She replied back. I chuckled and she silenced me by capturing my lips. "Oh God Enzo can we leave already. This party is such a drag." She smiled as she held her arms around my neck. I nodded and we pulled apart.

"But first. We can't leave without causing a scene." I smiled evilly. "It's like you read my mind." Lira grinned and looked around. "So what's the plan?" She asked me with crossed arms. "It's simple, we get that lady to punch that man." I said, pointing out my victims by describing their attire.

LIRAS POV (sorry for being confusing)

"Leave it to me." I smiled and picked up a flute of champagne from a waiter. I lifted it to my lips and took a sip of the bubbly liquid. Some people need a drink for confidence, I didn't. I did it for the show because I knew Enzo was watching me.

I walked past the lady and smacked her ass. The poor man behind her would soon get the blame as I shuffled out of the way. I fake laughed with a group of other ladies and watched from the corner of my eye as indeed the lady turned beet red and smacked the man right across the face. She actually did a pretty good job.

She had utter disgust written on her face and the mans fury began to bubble to the surface. It wasn't long before everyone else started to join in. Men began to slap and hit women and the women began to scream and take off their heels to probably gouge their eyes out. It looked like a messy drunken fight. Most of it was sloppy. Everyone was either high or drunk as fuck so it made it all the more funnier.

"What did you think?" I grinned at Enzo when I found him again. I loved talking to him and his opinion mattered to me. I drank the rest of the champagne and tossed it aside. "Couldn't have done it better myself." He replied with that damn cocky smirk of his. I bet he enjoyed the show.

The chaos didn't last long, the Russians began to calm everyone down and they began to enjoy the party again. What a shame. This party needed to liven up a little. The dreary music and dull witted guests were much to desire.

I noticed two of the Russian brothers coming our way. I nudged Enzo. "That's the one that tried to hit on me and the other is the one that tried to kill me." I didn't know their names and I couldn't give a fuck. Dirty fucking bastards. I could understand why Enzo's mother didn't want him involved with the Russians.

"Who the fuck are you?" The taller one growled. If he was trying to sound menacing, he failed tragically. He was only looking at Enzo as all the men did. Women were nothing in mafias anyway. He probably thought I was some prostitute. Enzo removed his mask to reveal himself. Well fuck, might as well remove mine too. The flash of recognition in their eyes was evident. "Relax. We've only come to enjoy the party Dimitri." Enzo smirked devilishly. Oh fuck. That man.

"It's an absolutely boring as fuck party. And my eyes are up here." I growled at the other man when I noticed him staring at my breasts. My dress was a little revealing but that didn't give out an invitation for men to stare. "Stop fucking looking at her Jasha." Enzo said coldly. "Or I will cut your fucking eyes out." He would and I would gladly watch.

"Leave." Dimitri ordered. They were all older than me but their demands were pathetic. It made them seem like hormonal teenagers. They were nothing compared to Admir because sometimes even he scared me. "Fine. It's not like we want to waste our time here in this shit hole with you гребаные суки (fucking bitches). And I said my fucking eyes are up here." I growled and stepped forward. With one swift movement, I had smacked Jasha, his cheek was now bright red. I do love smacking people.

"Ah Dimitri, you sound like you have a stick shoved up your ass. Why don't you loosen up a little. Live a little. Have a drink." Enzo smirked. Oh fuck, I didn't know about Dimitri, but I wanted something shoved up my ass. Without even blinking, Enzo pushed Dimitri into a table stacked to the brim with champagne glasses. The huge pyramid of glasses toppled when Dimitri's heavy body hit the table and all the drinks came crashing down. The noise echoed in the huge ballroom and the last thing I saw was Dimitri soaked in champagne with broken glass all around him.

"Fuck!" I laughed into the night sky as we both left before Dimitri could get up. Enzo laughed and I even saw Sergio chuckling. "Holy fuck Enzo." I chuckled and entered the car. Enzo pulled out his phone but swore when he saw Raphael running down the steps, trying to tie up his belt.

"Raf tell me you didn't." Enzo shook his head as we headed off. Raphael looked flushed and his hair was a mess. He grinned slyly as he looked between Enzo and I. "She's not that innocent after all." Men. Always thinking with their fucking dicks.

"Fucking hell." Enzo rubbed his eyes. "What about you two? You fucking started a fight and pushed Dimitri into champagne. For Gods sake." Raf muttered. I chuckled. "It was quite funny." I did not see it coming. He surprises me everyday.

BAHAHAH okay so you can tell I enjoyed this part-'I didn't know about Dimitri, but I wanted something shoved up my ass.'

So I also split this chapter into two POV's.
Enzo and Lira's. I hope it wasn't too confusing!

Thank you to a reader who asked if I could do a masquerade ball. Sorry I forgot your name but I did it for you.

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