Chapter 45

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Before Lira and I left for America, I decided to take care of some business. The club that I was in was dark with strobe lights flashing around. The noise was loud especially on the dance floor which was crammed with party goers. Alcohol and smoke were all you could smell.

Raf and I were at the bar where I had informed him that he would be staying behind in Italy. He didn't ask why but grumbled as usual. The men we were supposed to be meeting were upstairs and I was just waiting on Lira. She wanted to come alone and I didn't know why.

The next thing I know a very drunk girl came over to me. I tried to keep to myself and sipped my drink. "Hey beautiful." Raf spoke up as he pulled her attention away from me. The girl giggled clearly smitten with him. I nodded my head his way as a way of saying thanks. But somehow I think he didn't care as he began to talk to the girl.

I leaned my back on the bar, drink in hand, sleeves rolled up. The men I was here to see knew I was here but they couldn't order me to do shit. So they waited for when I wanted to join them. I think they were already pissing their pants. They wouldn't have expected me to come and see them, not for something very minor.

I sipped my drink and my eyes immediately landed on Lira who came though the door. She was easy to spot for she was everything every other woman was not. She allured power although she looked very nonchalant. Fuck. Her long legs were on display in the mini black dress she had on. Her neck was bare, accentuating the deep v neck which teased her breasts. She walked over to me, her matte red lips in a playful smirk.

She leaned on the bar beside me and ruffled her straight hair, which only made me look down at her chest. "I hope the wait was worth it." She spoke. I smiled and turned to face her. "It always is." I leaned down and her subtle perfume filled my senses. I kissed her cheek and she ran her finger down my lips.

"Do you like my dress?" She asked. "I do..and I wonder what you have on underneath." I smirked. "Who says I have anything on underneath?" She smiled with her brow raised, teasing me. She wiped the smirk off my face. Goddamn she was good at teasing me. I placed my hand on her waist and let it travel down slowly to where her dress ended. I slipped a finger underneath. Her hand soon met mine and she parted her lips slightly. Before she could say anything, Raf stepped in front of us, without the girl. He looked at Lira.

"Can't stop staring?" She chuckled at Raf. He chuckled and rubbed his face. "Well you do look undeniably hot." He said which made her grin. "Thank you I know." She winked at him. Raf scoffed. "Don't need to be all narcissistic about it." He crossed his muscled arms. I looked up at the stairs and noticed one of the men I came here to see staring at me. When I met his gaze, he didn't even bother averting his. I suppose I'd better go and see them. Raf and I headed up the stairs leaving Lira at the bar. She wanted a drink before she joined us.

All the way up the stairs, I saw girls pole dancing, men smoking and I'm pretty sure some were fucking in plain sight. Raf and I were soon at the wooden door which led to a large room. The two bodyguards allowed us in without so much as a hesitation.

Upon walking inside, I saw a similar sight. The three men I was here to see were sat talking on white sofas while watching two women pole dance in front of them. There were also plenty of guards and other men inside. "It's a nice night." One of the men spoke up. I licked my lips and walked over to them. "Santos." I replied straight faced as I sat down on the adjoining sofa. Raf joined me and Santos asked one of his men to pour us a drink.

"The view is nice no?" Santos grinned with a dimple showing on his round stubbled face. He pointed his finger towards the half naked girls. I stared straight at him and the other two men beside him. Rico was a self proclaimed bastard. His eyes never left the women as he eyed up his prey. His shirt was undone but tucked into his white jeans. The other man, Roma, was smart. He was also a ladies man but he was high all the time. He wore a shirt, his blonde hair being a mess.

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