Chapter 47

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"Lira Lira we're here." I said as I shook her gently. She stirred slightly and pulled the sheets closer to her chest. "One more minute." She mumbled still with closed eyes. "Lira, come on. It'll take us only half an hour to reach the hotel." I said as I sighed looking down at her sleep.

She stirred once more and stretched out her arms. She yawned and opened her eyes, looking at me with a lazy smile she hummed. "Okay." She gave in and sat upright, the sheets fell down to her waist.

"Where's my dress?" She asked as she looked around the bedroom of the plane. "Here." I picked it off the side of the room and handed it to her. She slowly tugged it on and groaned.  "How do I look?" She stood up and smiled at me. Before I could answer she hushed me by slowly pushing her finger to my lips. "I know I look like a mess." She chuckled and walked past me and as she did so, I smacked her ass. She gasped. "Oh God, I'm going to let that slide Enzo, just this once." She yawned. I knew she wouldn't do anything, she was just too tired.

In the car, she rested her head on my shoulder and my hand rested on her exposed thigh. I couldn't ever imagine being this cuddly with any other woman. "Would you ring the hotel for me?" She asked through closed eyes. I furrowed my brows and obliged. She took the phone from me and held it to her ear. "Hello, there's a reservation for Ferrari-Hernandez..yes the penthouse, could you send someone to run the bath please. We'll be arriving shortly. Thank you." She spoke softly and then handed me my phone.

"Is the bath for two?" I teased her and she simply chuckled quietly.

We soon reached the hotel and were now in our room. It was warmly lit up and calm. My guards were already here and they stood outside the door. I sighed as I started to unbutton my shirt. It was midnight and tomorrow I had business to attend to. I watched as Lira looked around the room. And then she tugged off her heels. And then she slowly slid off her dress until she was naked once more. She was so fucking comfortable being around me, it made me feel so at ease.

She walked off towards the bathroom leaving me alone. I followed after her and tossed my shirt to the floor behind me. The bathroom was large and lit candles glowed softly, as they covered the marble sink. The soft scent of jasmine filled the air. She skimmed her fingers across the filled bathtub and then climbed in. She sighed with content when her body was fully immersed in the water. She gazed up at me. "What are you waiting for?" She smiled.

I smiled and pulled down my trousers and then my boxers all the while she looked at me. I was also so comfortable being around her. It's like we knew each other so well. I knew all her quirks, her habits and what pissed her off. I stepped into the bath opposite her, our bodies filling up the space. The tub was large so we weren't cramped. The warm water soothed my muscles and she smiled at me. "Why do you do everything I ask of you?" She asked softly. I hummed. "Why do you do everything I ask of you?" I echoed back not giving her an answer. However, I think we both knew.

I leaned forward and found her waist. Pulling her towards me, she chuckled. "Enzo." She sighed. I held her on my lap, her legs curled back either side of mine. She leaned forward and kissed me. My stubble brushed against her chin. She wrapped her arms around me and I held onto her back. "I'm fucking jet lagged and tired Enzo. Can't you let a girl rest?" She spoke. I hummed and kissed her once more.

I let her go and watched her close her eyes and tilt her head back. "This is nice." She crossed her ankles as she leaned back in the bathtub. "This is nice. The view is pretty nice too." I smiled as I looked at her though the crystal clear water. She shook her head gently, her dimples appeared on her cheeks. I picked up her feet and she flinched them away from me. "I didn't know you were ticklish." I chuckled. "Shut up. I'm not." She said without opening her eyes.

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