Chapter 52

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I was laying face down on Lira's bed. I had stripped down to just my boxers and lay in anticipation on the soft white sheets. I turned my head to my side atop my crossed arms, holding my face up slightly. The room was warm and it felt like home. The past few days have been enjoyable.

"I've got the oil." Lira announced as she stepped out from the bathroom. She whistled when she saw me and chuckled. "I don't know how this is a punishment." She placed the oil bottle down beside me on the bed and then she climbed onto the bed. "Wait. Don't you think you should take off your clothes?" I asked with a cheeky smile. She hummed and climbed off the bed. "I will but only because I lost the bet."

I honestly didn't think she would have lost the bet we made but somehow she did. And of course I chose a back massage.

I watched her pull off her jeans and then she pulled off her top over her head. It's lucky for us that Admir wasn't home and we didn't have to worry about him coming home because he was more than thirty miles away. She tossed her clothes to the floor and her hair fell beside her. She then climbed onto me, I felt her weight as she sat just below just below my ass. She picked up the oil and clicked open the lid, pouring it into her open palm.

I felt her warm hands touch my back as she rubbed the oil in. She gently rubbed my back slowly and I did feel my muscles relaxing to her touch. "Relax Enzo." She said quietly as I felt her hands travel around my back in gentle circular motions. "The toilet left it up." She spoke and pushed her hand around my left shoulder blade quite deeply. I pursed my lips. "You didn't come to bed last night until I fell asleep." She added as I felt her push her hand down my spine.

"That was an accident..Ad-" I tried to defend myself but she cut me off. "And then, I know you did it. You broke my favourite knife." She rubbed my other shoulder blade. "Fine fine I'll admit it. I broke it and hid it..I've brought you a new one it's exactly the same." I said with a smile. She chuckled and used her palm to rub my back gently once more. "I knew it! God why the fuck did you do that for?" She chuckled.

"It was an accident! I swear.." I couldn't help but laugh. She slapped my back playfully and I quickly turned over, making sure to hold onto her waist. She was now sitting on my waist and I didn't mind one bit. She laughed with me and let her hands drop down on my chest. When we stopped laughing, I used my hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. "Am I forgiven?" I asked knowing full well she would. She nodded with a gentle smile. "Always."

She leaned down and her lips met mine. I breathed in her scent and felt her bare skin against mine. And before I could taste her properly, my phone rang. Lira stopped kissing me after the third ring. "Aren't you going to answer?" She smiled with a light blush covering her cheeks. "No." I replied and pulled her back down so I could continue kissing her. My phone soon stopped ringing but it rang again and this time I did stop kissing her. She didn't mind as I reached for my phone from the bedside table and answered.

"Yes Raf what is it?" I sighed with a half smile. He sounded incredibly panicked and started to shout. I quickly sat upright, with Lira moving off me with concern. "What the fuck!? How!? No no this has to be a joke! What the fuck! No shit I'm coming." I paced the room as I swore. My blood was boiling and my chest heaved in a crazy panic. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Oh shit." I yelled as I tried to keep my sanity in check. I gripped my phone tightly as if it was the one who gave me the bad news.

"What's wrong? What's happened?" Lira asked, she was now stood in front of me with a worried look in her eyes. I could see her own heart was racing. "It's Isabella. Someone's kidnapped her. Fuck! What if they harm her. I'll never forgive myself." I breathed shakily. "I have to go..I have to find her." I quickly got dressed and so did she.

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