Chapter 55

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"Go go go!" I yelled to my men and everyone rushed down, surrounding the building. They worked quickly and efficiently. Missions like this or rather assassinations were a walk in a park. Our black clothing blended in with the dark, allowing us to overpower his men. The snipers began to take down any man who wasn't dead and the men with me began to shout clear upon securing the place.

I reached Lira who was still on the ground. She grinned up at me, her teeth reflecting the moonlight. I held out a hand for her to grab onto and pulled her up. "You all right?" I asked her, keeping my gaze focused forward. "Of course. Now come on. I'll take the left. You take the right." She walked ahead and I followed her, keeping my eye out for danger.

We approached the building. It was still too quiet. We stood either side of the two metal doors. I skimmed my fingers down the edge of the doorframe. Looking at Lira, I nodded. She nodded in response. The doors were lined with explosives. They knew we were coming, but how? How the fuck?! Someone talked. That's a problem for another time.

I signalled for Sergio and he placed an explosive onto the door. He pressed the little device and in a couple of seconds the doors would be blown off. Lira went around the other side of the building and I went around the other. A loud bang was heard as the doors flew off the building. All the explosives were set off at once.

I held out my gun and was followed by my men into the building. I went right and she went left. The building was dimly lit up, with some of the lights flickering overhead. I held out my gun and walked slowly down the wide corridor. There were doors to rooms on either side. I pushed open the first door and saw nothing but a cold dark room. There was a shadow behind the door. I nodded at my men to go ahead and they began to open up the other doors.

I began to close the door but quickly pushed it open, smashing it against the man who stood behind it. He cried out in pain and held his nose. "Where is James Cain!" I shouted as I pulled him by his hair. Fuck. I pushed him to the floor and shot his leg. He yelled out in pain and began to mumble incoherently. I bent down to listen but instead he kept groaning in pain. I clicked my gun and held it under his chin. "Where. Is. He?" I growled staring at the man. This man wouldn't tell me. I doubt he even knew. I pulled the trigger and he stopped whining instantly.

I swore and stood up. That bastard was hiding like the coward he was. "Boss it's all clear." Sergio spoke up as he came up behind me. "Lira." I spoke into the earpiece as I walked out of the room. I didn't hear a reply for a few seconds. "Nothing." She replied and soon joined me.

"If he knew.." She looked at me and her eyes went wide.  We both instantly thought of the same thing. "The place is rigged. Get out!" I yelled to my men as we all rushed to leave the building. Fuck fuck! Just as we ran outside, away from the building, it blew up, throwing us against the ground. My head hit a large rock, which cut my flesh making blood run down my forehead. I groaned in pain, my shoulder was probably dislocated from the impact. Most of my men were groaning as they too suffered injuries. Lira had also hit her head and I think she might have a concussion judging by the way she's blinking her eyes to steady herself.

I looked up and saw a pair of expensive shiny black shoes and soon a snigger filled the air. I pushed myself off the ground, ignoring the wetness I felt down my chin, probably from a busted lip. I ignored my shoulder because all I could see was that bastard. Before I could grab ahold of James, two men lunged for me. I dodged out of way of a knife which would have hit me square in the chest. I punched his face and elbowed his nose, knocking him backwards. I quickly pushed back my arm, fixing up my shoulder for now. Adrenaline had now kicked in, masking my pain but not my anger. The other man slashed at me with his knife. I noticed now that Lira was up, with some blood running down her forehead. Shit. She fought with the other man and ultimately stabbed him in the chest with his own knife.

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