Chapter 1

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I wish I could change the circumstances, to make it was easy for us to get over the guilt and heart break. Unfortunately, time and tide waits for none. Something like that happened with him and me. I wish I could say us but maybe the damage done was enough to split us into me and him. I wish... Oh, how I wish he would say something to stop me, to tell me that we could be better, to say that we may forgive and forget but that was far beyond the reality.

11 months ago

"Hurry up girls, I'll be late for work", mom called out to us.

"Coming Katty!", I replied from my room.

Mom was supposed to drop Saavi and I on the way to her work. Saavi was my elder sister and the beautiful one amongst us. It's only been a year that she started working with my mom at her store. She owned a boutique which was quite famous in our city. My sister followed Katty's steps and became a designer just like her. Together, they both were running the boutique pretty well.

"Jenny, how many times have I told you not to call me by my name!", mom narrowed her eyes at me.

"But Katty, you know you're my best friend and I love you so much! Besides, Katty suits you more than mom. You're still so young and hot! WOAH! Look at that booty!", I pointed towards her ass as she turned around to grab the empty bowls.

"You're right, Jenny! Your mom still has the looks to die for", Dad interrupted as he entered the hall.

"Shut up, John! They're kids. What will they think of us?", Katty blushed when dad kissed her.

"Oh c'mon! They're not kids anymore. They should know that perfect love still exists.", he said winking at Saavi and I.

We all laughed on that comment as we sat on the dining table to have breakfast. Of course, no meal is complete without dad blabbering insanely about how he met our mother. Saavi and I always chuckled on how he still adores our mom and how madly in love he was. No wonder, mom couldn't live a day without him.

I always dreamt of having a love story as dreamy as theirs but I never found the right guy. Besides, I gave chance to many boys at my college but none fits the dreamy image of a lover that I have. My relationships were short-lived as all the hot jocks hit on me. Somewhere deep down I knew that it was impossible to have the love that I had been thinking about because, let's be practical, people these days are more about physical than emotional, at least guys in my college were like that.

Also, the time was different when my parents met. There were no such things as fling in those times. Now it's all about eat, sleep, repeat.

"C'mon girls, let's leave otherwise your dad will go back into nostalgia", she said getting up which made us all giggle.

I grabbed my bag and phone while dad started picking up the dishes. He was on leave for a few days so mom was on household leave. He helped Katty in the household work and never once complained. Guess, they're 'mad' for each other.

I kissed him bye and sat in the backseat of the car. Saavi sat in front as Katty and she discussed about work on the way.

The ride to my college was only fifteen minutes so we were quick to reach there. They dropped me and off they went. I entered the college where my best friend, Arnie was waiting for me.

 I entered the college where my best friend, Arnie was waiting for me

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"Thank God, you're on time today. I thought we'd be late", she said as she saw me coming.

"Oh please, you know I'm never late.", I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks to your mom", she said as a matter of fact.

I scrunched up my nose at her honesty and we stumbled inside the corridor with other students rushing everywhere. Everyone was trying to reach their classroom without a delay because the rules here were quite strict. The Principal was more like Hitler. He made sure that everyone was in their class before the second bell rang. And let me tell you, it was already 5 minutes past the second bell.

Arnie and I had the first two classes together so we got time to catch up with a few things. As always, she started the day by talking about her long distance boyfriend whom she had been dating for past two years. His name was Harry, a senior in our college. But he graduated last year and was now studying in Boston. She started blabbering about him and as usual, I was least interested in knowing his performance at college, his life, his routine and so on.

I'm sorry if I'm not interested. I'm not his girlfriend. I'm just his girlfriend's poor best friend. As much as I was happy for them, I knew Arnie was already dreaming about getting married to him.

The day was quite hectic. I was so tired. Also, this was my final year in the college which means I could start working as soon as I got my degree. I had already applied for various posts in most of the colleges. I wanted to become a psychology professor. I had applied for that post in my college, too. That way it would become easy for me to meet Arnie almost every day. She was working as a part time tutor in the school next to our college. Guess, both of us had the same dream.

I was lost in my thoughts when a something huge hit my head, throwing me completely off guard.

"Ouch!", I fell flat on my ass.

"Hey! Are you okay? I'm so sorry", the person apologized and bent down to offer me a hand.

"No it's fine. Actually, I was day dreaming. Should have been more careful on the side walk. Sorry, my bad!", I apologized too, because in a way, I wasn't thinking where I was going.

"Well then, can I help you with that?", he asked pointing towards my bag pack.

"Oh no! You don't need to. I'm fine And by the looks of it, you already seem to be late for something... more like someone", I pointed towards the huge bouquet that he was holding.

"Oh yeah, kind of! I'm on my way to meet my girlfriend. I was thinking of proposing to her and that's when I collided into you", he said sheepishly, while rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm sure she'll love those flowers. They're beautiful. No chance of a rejection here. Best of luck!", I chuckled.

"Thanks! I will need that today", he gave me a bright smile and then we parted our way.

It was so strange how I could converse with anyone and everyone I meet

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It was so strange how I could converse with anyone and everyone I meet. Katty always told me to be careful around strangers but can I help if I'm an extrovert? No, right?

Just when I was about to continue to walking, I saw something on the ground. It was a red velvet box which had some jeweler's name written on it.

Oh Shit! The guy must have dropped it here during the collision.

I picked it up and turned around to stop him but he was long gone. I couldn't see him anywhere. It's like he disappeared. But how is it possible for someone to vanish like that?

Hi guys, I'm back with another novel featuring Caroline Forbes and Niklaus Michealson. I've seen many people obsessing over Klaroline (As they like to ship). Since, they were not given a happy ending in the Vampire Dairies, I wish to do justice with them. Hence, here I'm, working my way into their lives, telling their story the way I imagined it to be.

So grab onto your devices because this story is going to be a hell of a ride.

P.S. Cover shows Jennifer and Ryan

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