Chapter 4

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I woke up to an irritating noise buzzing somewhere in the room. I scrunched up my nose and tried to cover my ears with a pillow. But the buzzing didn't stop. I shifted on the bed to avoid it. However, it didn't stop buzzing.

"Arrgghhhh", I opened my eyes just a little bit to see the source of the noise. It was my phone on the side table that was adamant on ruining the deep slumber I was in. Without even looking at the caller id, I swiped up to answer the call.

"Where the hell are you, Jenny? You've never been this late? I've been waiting here for past half an hour!", I had to pull the phone away from my ears to avoid the damage to my eardrums. Arnie was so loud that I could hear her even if I kept my phone under the sheets.

"Why in the world are you waiting, Arnie? Didn't I tell you that I won't be able to make it to the college today?", my voice was muffled due to all the pillows stuffing my face.

"What????? Why???? And when did you tell me about not turning up today? Are you okay? Are you ill or something?", she said, practically shrieking over the phone.

"No! I'm fine. It's just that Savvy's boyfriend is coming for brunch today and I'll have to be at home", I said trying to make it to the bathroom.

"What??? Your sister has a boyfriend??? Since, when???? And why didn't you tell me about it???", she screamed over the call. Oh God! This girl could be so inquisitive sometimes.

"I, myself, got to know about it yesterday! So I busted her out to everyone.", I said, keeping the phone on the basin while I brushed my teeth. Before Arnie could continue, I heard the bell ring in the background and knew she would be rushing anytime now.

"Okay Jenny, I'll call you later. I've to go. It's the second bell and I'll be screwed if principal sees me here. Take care Jen! Have fun!", with that said, she hung up the call and I went to shower.

I towel dried my hair and stepped into my closet. I took out a yellow sundress and brushed my fingers through my hair. For obvious reasons, I didn't comb my wet hair. It breaks my hair and damages them a lot. I let them air dry and maybe then resolve to combing. I threw my phone into the pocket and headed down to see what everyone was doing. Katty, as usual, was in the kitchen while dad was dusting the whole house. But where was Savvy?

"Good morning everyone! Good to see you all perform your daily chores", I said, more like announced while hopping down the stairs. How pretty they looked cleaning the house while I just sit and have my breakfast. My family knew that I was a load to handle but I was happy with myself. I acted chirpy and busy to avoid being handed over any chores. But who dare slip away from my mother's eyes.

"Jenny, come here and help me!", Katty called me from the kitchen.

"But Katty, I'm on to my breakfast now. I haven't had anything yet!", I whined.

"You can have it later. Now come here and help me with the dishes!", I scoffed and placed the bowl of cereal back on the table. I entered the kitchen only to find Savvy busy with oven. What was she trying to do? She doesn't even know how to make noodles!

"What are you doing, Savv? Are you trying to blow up the whole house????", I commented looking at her state. She was covered up in flour and sweat from head to toe while working on something which looked more like a disaster.

"I'm trying to bake some brownies today. The Williams love them and I'm sure Ryan will be happy to see that I made something for them", she said blushing like a tomato, not even giving two shits about looking at me while we spoke.

"Saav, I hope you know that deserts are my department. Besides, all you have to do is just ask. I'll make them for you. At least then, I won't have to clean the garbage like kitchen you've made it into", I said.

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