Chapter 5

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Savvy and I took the dishes and made the table while everyone was still chatting. She went into the kitchen and of course, Ryan followed her. I understood that they needed some alone time so I kept myself busy with setting up the dishes. I would rather stay here than to disturb any make out sessions.

It was almost ten minutes and I could see everyone approaching the dining table with only two dishes on it. Savvy and Ryan never came out. Oh god! I'll be in grave trouble if the table is not setup. Katty is going to eat me alive. So without wasting anytime, I decided not to contemplate on the fact that they might be just kissing the life out of each other, I walked into the kitchen.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw Ryan hugging Savvy from behind while she was transferring the brownies into the desert plates. I don't know why but a thought crossed my mind that maybe Ryan is not like what I considered him to be. Maybe... just maybe Savvy is actually lucky as our parents say. A smile appeared on my face when I concluded he would definitely be a good husband.

"Hey! Stop it!", Savvy slapped his hands away from the brownies that he was trying to steal. "You're not supposed to eat them before the brunch. That's for desert, not as appetizers."

"Why not? They smell so tempting. Besides you know how much I love them!", he said, trying to be playful.

"I know you love them, idiot! That's why I made them!", said Savvy and I just stood there with my mouth hanging wide open. Did she just lie to him? But why? There was no reason to lie. He didn't even ask her about the chef!

"Really???? You made them??? For ME?????", Ryan was shocked to hear that. He obviously had the same expression as me but for a different reason.

"Yes idiot! Now if you could please let me go, I have my in-laws to serve", she said and turned around only to be faced by me. I glared at her for lying while Ryan's back was still facing me. I narrowed my eyes at her while she made a puppy face, trying to convenience me to keep my lips zipped up. I just rolled my eyes and shook my head at her.

"Jenny! why are you standing there?", Savvy said, making Ryan aware of my presence. "Come and take those dishes while I take these", she said pointing towards the bowls in her hand. Savvy walked towards me and bumped into my shoulder, looking at me with pleading eyes before exiting. I stood there stunned for a minute. What just happened?

"Always an intruder, aren't you?" I turned around only to witness a glaring Ryan.

"Excuse me?", I said as if I didn't hear what he said.

"Why can't you just leave us alone, man? How come you always happen to enter the right place at a wrong time?", he sneered, walking towards me. I rolled my eyes at his horrendous comment.

"Can't help! I'm gifted you know", I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Urrrgghhhh!! I don't know how in the world am I going to tolerate you after our wedding!", he said looking at the ceiling as if blaming his stars.

"Hold on there.. YOUR wedding not OUR wedding", I said correcting his stupid comment. He came closer to my face while I started backing off. I moved my face away from his as he started sniffling my clothes. That was odd.

"Do you always smell like this?", he asked scrunching up his nose.

"Like what?", I said, baffled.

"Like sweat... and brownies?", it was more like a question than a statement. He moved his face away from mine in disgust. I crossed my hands on my chest while glaring at him. I pretended to sniffle myself and turned my head back at him.

"Smells like delicious brownies to me!", I said plastering a sarcastic smile on my face.

"Eyyyuuuuu... You find it delicious????? Are you crazy, lady??? You must come from a dumpster to smell like that", he said scrunching his nose even more than it already was. This guy was getting on my nerves. I couldn't control the next thing that escaped my mouth.

"That's what happens when you put all your blood and sweat in making those delicious brownies", I blurted out! As soon as I realized my mistake, I slapped a hand on my mouth.


"What???? You made them??? Are you a liar, too?", he said narrowing his eyes at me.

"I....I was.", before I could come up with an excuse, we heard Katty.

"Jenny.. Ryan? What is taking you guys so long? C'mon everyone is waiting outside"

"Be there in a minute", I called out to her. I quickly walked past Ryan to grab the left over dishes and darted towards the hall, leaving Ryan standing on his spot.

When I entered, everyone was waiting for us. I quickly placed the things on the table and grabbed an empty seat. Ryan followed suit and took a seat beside Savvy and gave me a weird look. I darted my eyes away as I couldn't let Savvy down. If he thinks I'm a liar, then so be it. I dont care.

The brunch with the Williams was quite good. I thought being the millionaires that they are, they would throw tantrums saying that we do not match their financial status, their this and that. However, they were oddly polite with us. I do not know if that was my intuition or a gut feeling but I felt something fishy here. I've read about The Williams in the magazines and newspaper and how they treat people. No doubt they were classy but they never allowed their son to indulge in any kind of controversy. He was never seen involved with the girls or anybody of that sort and it was quite alarming, seeing the reputation that the millionaires possess.

Don't get me wrong as I wasn't being judgmental but just a bit curious. So after we bid them farewell, I followed them down the lobby where their driver was waiting. I was right behind them but far enough for them not to notice me. They would surely have some conversation about us and that's what I wanted to know.

"Let it be mom. They're good people. Didn't you see that they had outdone themselves? They could have easily ordered takeout, instead chose cooking", Ryan tried to reason out on something that Kimberly said.

"Would have been good if they ordered the takeout. I didn't like the food. It was not the kind that we eat", she said, making a disgusted face.

Wow! This is what she thinks of us??? That were not even capable of matching their cuisine standards?? Next time I'm going to serve her poop! Maybe that will match their standards.


"Darling, I think you're overthinking. They seemed decent and we should respect them for what they did. After all, our son is going to be their son-in-law", Jake smirked at Ryan while he patted his shoulders.

Finally, someone with good sense of humor.

"You have also decided that were going to bring her home? Do you think she'll be able to adjust to the lifestyle that we have? I think it would be overwhelming for her!", Kimberly said and shrugged her shoulders.

This lady was really getting on my nerves. Clearly, she didn't like the Jonas. She didn't like us. After that, I couldn't hear them any longer. They reached the lobby from where they hopped into their car and drove off. I shook my head and went back home.

When I entered, all were busy cleaning and talking about how polite the Williams were and how good Ryan was. I wish I could tell them that the former one is just a delusion. However, Ryan was a good person. I liked how he defended our family but Kimberly can be a pain in the arse.

"Hey Jenny, did you drop them to their car?", Dad asked me. I told them that I was going to drop them but my motive was a different.

"Yep!", I said, popping the word 'p'.

"Did they say anything?", mom asked me with expectations clear in her eyes. Oh! I wish I could tell them how much they liked us but I didn't want to break their hearts.

"They were talking about our hospitality and thanked for the brunch. They loved the food that you made, Katty", I said, faking excitement.

"That's so sweet of them. I'm sure they liked us. In fact, they were so humble and polite. Didn't make us feel uncomfortable at all", Katty said. I just rolled my eyes. I left them alone while they spoke to each other about the day. I was hardly interested in listening because I knew the reality. I didn't want to witness how well they think of the Williams. That would definitely make me gag or break my heart. Their delusional thoughts were just not for me to witness.

I entered my personal heaven and finally it was time for me to shower and let go of all the bullshit that I witnessed.

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