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"Stop squirming, you little—" an agent barked, "Shit! Hey, help me secure her," He requested the help of three others to hold me down for the entirety of the ride. They held me like I was some crazed gunman!


"Shut up!"

I struggled about but it was no use. When we got to the destination they marched me into a building swarming with agents and soldiers. I was in socks, barely dressed, my long black hair getting caught in the sticky residue of the tape they slammed over my mouth.

I muffled obscenities but they couldn't care less.

A female agent approached the team that entered with me. She unlocked the cuffs and shoved me into a room. Three of the walls were padded with white pillows, almost asylum-like, the final one, is what I assume, bulletproof glass.

I ripped the tape off before turning to pound on the glass. This room has been buried in my nightmares. It's a high-tech vault almost, designed to keep the most powerful beings inside. It once kept the God of Thunder: Thor.

"Let me out of here you pieces of shit!" I shouted. My mind went into overdrive as I raised my hand in an attempt to use my powers. Panic set in, and I fell to my knees, a pounding ache beating in my head, like a hangover after a wild night out.

"Ow... Fuck, ow..." I winced.

After clearing my head from everything I sighed and sprawled myself on the floor, my back against the cold floor. For a few minutes, I lay there, until the glass slid open, just enough for a person to walk through it. It closed milliseconds later.

Joaquin entered, accompanied by another man. I sat up at the noise, glaring at them as I focused my sight on them. They were whispering a bit but nothing that was of importance.

"Y/N," he nodded.

I narrowed my eyes, "Charmed. To whom do I owe the pleasure?"

"What were you doing on private property yesterday?" he sighed.

"Private property?" I scoffed.

"Don't play that card. I was the one that took you home after you passed out on city property," he said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You can't keep wandering around and passing out wherever you want. What's going on? You haven't done this in a while,"

I could feel my eyebrows drawing together, creating a slight furrow above my nose. I narrowed my eyes slightly and tightened my jaw, clear signs that my patience was wearing thin. "Nothing. I'm fine. If you don't believe me, you can ask Raynor. There was no reason to bring me here over something so small," I hissed.

He sighed, "Alright. If you say so,"

"Look, man," I huffed, my hand running through my hair, "I am none of your concern. Leave me alone and let me live!"

"I'll take it from here, Harold," he said to the man, "It won't take long,"

I shifted my eyes, noticing the details of the room. It was not so poorly constructed but designed. There was a small bed in the corner, round in shape, like a dog bed. It was elevated a few feet in the air, with only one pillow.

So much for not feeling like a canine.

I turned my attention back to Joaquin. "Listen Y/N," he began with a firm manner, "You're being observed, not by just me or the state. You are the entire country's concern and these antics don't help your case,"

**UNDER REVAMP** To Hate Is To Love  - (Bucky Barnes x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now