Let go of her, Boy!

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Let go of her boy
For she is not coming back

Remove your sunken heart from the ocean of her love
Put it to dry now for you must take a break

She was is in your prayers, a part of your future
Anything and everything was incomplete without her presence

The playful dates, intimate wedding and the notorious toddlers
Life was planned as a story simply perfect

Living is easy, the harder part is moving on
Don't look for ways, for she is the perfect example

She once said - "Not everybody you care for will reciprocate"
The universe twisted the time as such for her to prove her point

Her name was the reason, your smile was the widest
Where have you lost it boy, it's nowhere to be found

Bad things happen and there is nothing you can do about it
Doesn't always mean you got to put yourself on the other side

Break free of the fortress you've build around yourself
Allow others to form a part of life too

She was the perfect one, when the angle was yours
The universe is multidimensional, its angle be the supreme

Give yourself a chance to love and to be loved again
The universe knows it well, to put the right one when it's time.

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