The two - edged knife

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The world says love is blind

A true one very difficult to find

The thoughts, the chats and the words they shared

They were, the rarest of the rare

She did something he had never expected

Whatever be her decision, he always respected

She lied and made him look like a fool

She was the biggest reason he went to school

He expressed his feelings, he proposed to her

There was no reply, things were blur

He kept waiting and waiting and waiting

Away from his knowledge, she started dating

His dreams shattered, his dreams scattered

To her, it never mattered

Neither did love nor did the friendship stay,

She moved forward, throwing everything away

The mind said 'move', the heart whispered 'stay'

Have trust, have faith, there is always a way

Tears rolled down his eyes, he couldn't stop

The plans he made vanished with a pop

Many others came to be a part in his life

But the heart had already accepted her as his wife

The trudge began slow and slack

He thought and wished, but she never looked back

Lucky are those who fall in love, luckier those who find them

For some it is a waste of time, and for some, the most precious gem

She came as an angel in life

But it actually was a two – edged knife!

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