But we aren't friends anymore...

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You were my biggest source of love

You were my largest jar of determination

You were my tallest pillar of strength

You were my widest cup of courage

But we aren't friends anymore....

You said you will always be there

You said you will always care

You said we were the best of friends

You said our friendship would never end

But we aren't friends anymore....

You were the Bing to my Tribiani

You were the Burke to my Caffery

You were the Veeru to my Jai

You were the Titu to my Sonu

But we aren't friends anymore....

All I could, I did for you

Whether it was black or blue

More than a friend, more than a brother

You were the one, no one another

But we aren't friends anymore....

One fine day something happened

I realized I was no more important

Someone better you had found

You threw me back on the ground

And we aren't friends anymore....

You will always be the special one for me

It is now you and I instead of we

It went from friends to brother mine

The chapter now ends like a cup of wine

And we aren't friends anymore....

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