PROLOGUE: The Badass

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I raised my brows as I stared at the poor boy in front of me. I wanted so much to slap him on his face but I am afraid that my hands might contaminated so no way!

I would rather ask him to kiss my foot just to get even.

"I-I'm sorry...I...didn't mean to report you but...I-I can't stand it! Y-You...were the reason why...Selena got dropped out!" He said in fear.

Everyone is now watching us. Who wouldn't? The lion come to its feast.

"You should know the consequences right?" I asked with my calm voice even though my inside is now raging in anger. I can't believe that this freaking boy reported me to the Dean? How dare him interfere?!

"Selene didn't do anything-"

"I caught him having s*x with our professor! How dare you said that she didn't do anything?" I said gritting my teeth.

I don't know why there's always a person who would interfere to you. He should've shup his mouth up.

"She was...being violated and you know that! created this rumors about her! Now she's suffering because of you!" He said.

I smirked and crossed my arms. My expensive bag clinged on to my arms and my pure gold necklace shined on his eyes.

"So what if I know?" I asked and grin. His lips parted. I can hear their gasp and whispers. I walked near towards the poor boy as my guards keep guarding me from the people who might harm me.

"Yes...I know that the professor was violating her and created this funny story that she's having this dirty romance. So what? I don't know what's the big deal!" I said and rolled my eyes.

His eyes turned fire and the wrath on his eyes is very untamable. Poor this guy. It's very obvious that he likes Selena that's why he's this rigid.

How funny! D*mn! This is exciting! How come that playing someone else's life is this interesting? I might do it often!

"You' evil! Demon! How could you do this to her?! All she did was to be nice with you! F*ck you Millijay! Just f*ck you!" He shouted and was about to attack me but he got block by my bodyguards. I smirked evilly.

"One curse for me...lifelong living in hell for you," I said evilly and walked out with the sound of my stiletto.

I can hear them bad mouthing me but I don't care as long as they are not talking in front of me like that guy did.

Selena was this nerdy girl. She was a transferee. And because she doesn't know me she wanted to be friends with me without even searching about me. Well, you can search my name in the internet and you can read all about me except me being this bad.

I let her accompany me because she wasn't that boring. But...days passed by I get bored and I seek for an exciting happenings in my life. And maybe fate is on my side that night cause I saw Selena having s*x with our professor. They saw me watching them.

The professor was so afraid that I might report him and Selena was asking for my help, she was crying miserably. She told me that the professor was raping her since she transferred in this school.

At first I got disgusted by this dirty professor but something came up on my mind that leads me in this situation. Now, Selena got dropped out of school and this poor boy, Jonathan who likes her is very mad at me cause he saw me talking with the professor. Jonathan report me to the Dean that's why it happened.

Well, I'm actually doesn't want to talk with that dirty professor. I bumped with him yesterday and thanked me. I'm not really doing it for him, it's for my own excitement but what he did really bothered me so I decided to report him to the police and filed a case.

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