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Summer vacation has started and I am here on my way towards Carter's Group!

Mom is really heartless for doing this to me. I can accept everything that she wants to punish me except from taking away my precious vacation!
I should have spending my 60 days in beach right now wearing my two piece with my beach hat lying on the sun lounger while sipping my orange juice together with the sandwich!

Damn it! Whenever I am scrolling on my social media account I always felt envious when I'm seeing their post on how they are spending their vacation!

Damn it! I am fucking stuck here! It's all Jonathan's fault! Darn him!

"Ma'am, your mother is calling," the driver said. I winced. I turned off my phone so that she couldn't contact me! Of course she will call whoever fucking is with me!

"I don't want to take it!" I said irritably. The driver turned pale because he don't know who's command he will going to obey but I just rolled my eyes when he still answer his phone and turned it into loud speaker.

"Millicent Jaiyana!" Mom's voice almost break my ear drums.

"What?!" I asked back.

"Why did you wake up late!? They are damn waiting for your for hours already and you're still on your way?!" She asked mad. I pouted and rolled my eyes.

I already planned out everything. If Mom is so determined to put me in this situation then it's fine for me but I can't promise her that I would be good! I will never be!

It's for the preparation when the time comes that I would face my grandfather? I can face him every time I want! I can face him without this godamn set up!

My head is burning already even though it's still 10 am in the morning.

"I had a long dream last night-"

"Don't make me a fool Millijay! They've been waiting for you since 8 and what time is it now huh?!" She asked very mad. I can imagine her face so red and veins almost exploding because of her blood boiling for me.

"Mom you have your watch in your wrist. Why would you ask me about the freaking time-"

"I'm so done with you Millijay!" She shouted and ended the call.

I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes. I don't know how many times I rolled my eyes today. I should visit my doctor one of this days.

"Ma'am we're here," the driver said. I raised my brows and put my sun glasses on. I am wearing a black turtle dress above the knee. It's so fitted on me that everyone could see my curves. I am not the hourglass type of girl but I can say that I have curves already. And I am confident for it. Plus I have a beauty that every one could be envious of. A height of a beauty queen and a sophisticated ambiance that every one will be intimidated by my presence. That's the reason why men always asking for my hand on their bended knees.

I have everything they all wanted. I am the girl they desires. So I'm sure that Chairman Adamson's son will also like me and won't mind about me being late because he would desire from this day on. I'm gonna curse him with my splendid beauty.

I walked with confident towards the entrance of the high and tall building in front of me. Because Mom is so eager to punish me she didn't gave me bodyguards. I thought she wouldn't give me a driver but I'm still thankful that she spare me with that.

She knows that I don't know how to drive. I tried learning it but I guess I don't have a talent with it because I always end up in an accident.

It's unfamiliar walking without the men in black on my back. But anyways, I'm still elegant without those because of my outfit today.

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