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I'm staring at my room's ceiling while thoughts bombarded my head. What happened earlier is so unexpected. Mom cut off my trust funds and even my cards! I don't have money anymore! And the only thing I have is that goddamn work!

I tried to call mommy so many times but she's not answering. Her secretary told me that she went to a business trip like usual. I tried to boss around her men but they are not listening to me even though I'm already mad at them!

Mom is very good at punishing me! How could I eat three times a day? could I shop when...I don't have a single penny?!

My heart burst when I remember that arrogant man again! The one who made me so furious that other night and made me step at his dog's poop!

I can't forget that night in my entire life! I would forever be furious about it!

I can't sleep that night the reason why I woke up late again. But I didn't bother. I even have time to choose what I would wear today. I chose a tube top and square pants today together with my stiletto. My top is white and my pants is black. My stomach is visible in their eyes because my top is crop.

I don't know if being a secretary have dress code? I don't care about the dress code anyways.

I walk gracefully while my sun glass is on. The sound of my stiletto is like from an action movie with an antagonist who wants to devour the protagonist.

I glared at the bodyguards who doesn't obey my commands anymore. I rolled my eyes at them even though they didn't saw it.

I entered the car and waited for the driver to drive. I was on my way when my phone rang. I raised my brows when I saw an unknown number.

Who is it?

"Hello?" I asked with my authoritative tone.

"M-Miss Hepburn?" My brows furrowed. Who is it?

"Yes? That's me," I said.

"This is the front desk of Carter's Group and Sir Farris Carter is now waiting for you for hours," she informed me.

I smirked and rolled my eyes. So what if he's waiting for me? He deserves it! After he humiliated and threatened me?!

"So what?! Just...fuck off!" I said angrily and hang up the phone. It's early in the morning and my head is throbbing already.

When we arrived I open my own door because I don't have bodyguards now to open it for me. I entered the entrance and like usual people stared at me like I am some eagle in the middle of the doves. Different from others.

I didn't look at the front desk and just hop in on the elevator. I pressed 13 and waited for it.

When the elevator opened I saw the immediate eyes bore into mine. I saw how they feel indifferent for me. One look on their eyes and I can feel that I wasn't welcome anymore after their first impression of me.

I went to the CEO's office and didn't even knock. I just open the door without inhibition and entered the office gracefully. I smiled when I saw the handsome looking yet arrogant CEO sitting on his throne while typing something on his laptop.

This is my first day and I will make sure that it will be a hell. He will regret that he met me. He will regret that he met a demon girl like me.

"Hello Mr. CEO!" I greeted and put my sun glass on my head. He didn't move and didn't even look at me.

"Did you know what time is it?" He asked coldly but his eyes are still on his laptop. I sit in the visitor's chair in front of his table. I even crossed my legs and lean on his table comfortably.

MY BADASS SECRETARYWhere stories live. Discover now