CHAPTER 5: Backfire

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I set an alarm to wake up for tomorrow because I noticed that Farris don't like late comers. Like what I've said I'm gonna do this work perfectly for the money because I doesn't have it. But it doesn't mean that I won't do anything bad anymore.

I'm still planning on making that man miserable! After what he did in the fountain? He didn't even help me that night! Instead of asking me if I'm okay he firstly asked his stupid dog! And it was annoying the hell out of me!

I wake up with the alarm next morning. I chose what I will wear today and chose a spaghetti strap top and tight skirt. I put cardigan to cover me up. I look at my reflection in the mirror. I raised my brows. My beauty is really splendid. I can't help but to compliment myself.

The driver drove me off to the company and like usual I gave a grand entrance. When I arrived at the right floor I was about to open Farris' office but a familiar girl block me. My brows furrowed.

It's the girl I asked yesterday.

"What?" I asked with my obvious irritation. Why is she blocking me?

"A-Ahm...Chairman Adamson is inside. He...told me to stop anyone who would enter the office. And...I just want to inform you that this one will be your table and the things you needed to do your work," she explained.

I looked at the table she was pertaining. I raised my brows when I saw how small the cubicle is. It's just near to Farris' office but I can't be comfortable with it! It's so small!

"You think I can work to that? Look how small it is! I'm sure I can't even stretch my legs there!" I complained and she was like a dog being scolded by its owner.

"B-But...Sir Farris just...told me that," she said.

My jaw clenched. That guy is really pissing me off.

I was about to shout curses on her when someone talk behind me.

"Miss Hepburn?" It was Chairman Adamson. I wanted to smile at him but Farris presence makes me irritated.

"It's nice to see you again Chairman," I greeted even though my mood isn't pleasant. I looked at Farris and I saw him smirking evilly.

"Is there something wrong Millijay?" Chairman asked. I immediately nodded even though I'm so eager to tell it to him but the respect for a chairman stopping me.

I'm bad to anyone but when it comes to this old man I can't help but to pay some respect.

"I hope you're enjoying your summer job here! You should get to know my son!" He said and laughed like santa claus. I winced at his statement. What did he meant by that?

My eyes went to Farris and for some reason he's also looking at me like he's watching me how I act with his father.

What does he think of me? I'm gonna kick his father's ass? Or throw sarcastic words? Tss.

"I'm gonna leave now okay? Good luck with your work," the old man said and left with his men behind him.

Now I left alone with Farris. I raised my brows when he turned his back on me and entered his office. I followed him there because it's early in the morning and he's pissing me off!

"Farris!" I called him but he continued sitting on his chair and opened his laptop like he didn't heard anything.

I walked near at his table and put down my both hands over it. I hit the table with my hands to caught his attention. There. He stopped typing at his laptop and looked at me with his dagger eyes.

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