CHAPTER 2: Secretary

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I can't believe this is happening to me!

I wanted so much to shout! So much to kick him until he bled! Damn it!

"Damn!" I heard him curse while standing up. I saw how wet his suit is. The water is dripping down on his pants and his hair is also dump. While me? My dress that cost so much went rubbish!

"It's all your fault!" I spat angrily. He didn't talk and he just went out of the fountain while I'm still here lying in the cold water. I couldn't stood up because my dress is too heavy! And my stiletto is too stinky!

"Are you okay Thunder?" My lips parted in annoyance when he asked his ugly dog! What the hell? Is he serious? I am the one who got fell and not his dog!

The dog barked and he caressed its head. He stand up and take out his coat. That was the time when he noticed me! He finally notice me! Fuck him!

"Why aren't you standing up? It's cold," he said like it's just normal. I couldn't believe that someone like him would treat me like this! Can't he see that I'm struggling?! Couldn't he see my beauty?! Other guys would fight just to be my man and he's just here? Not affected?

"Fuck you! You were the reason why I fell here and how ungentleman! You can clearly see that I'm struggling here! You should've help me but you asked first your stupid dog!" I lamented. His brows furrowed.

"I think I heard you wrong," he said while just staring at me. Hello? I'm still here in the cold dirty water with a poop on my stiletto!

"You...were the reason why I fell. Look what you've done. It cost more than your life for all you know," he said and looked at me arrogantly. My eyes widened and the fire and anger inside me intensified.

How dare him say that to me?! What the hell?! Those words was always been my words when someone would spit on my clothers or things and now he's using that damn words on me?

"I'm leaving. You are wasting my time," he said coldly and pulled the chains of his dog. My inside wants to burst out in so much anger. I really want to punch his face or make his life miserable! I'm gonna list him on my target list! Damn him!

"Hey! Stop! Help me here you son of a bitch! I'm gonna kill you!" I shouted so loud when I saw him walking away like he wasn't hearing me.

That night was so miserable. The Carter's men went to me and help me stand up. They also gave me spare clothes and that night I didn't wait for mom to be done in that godamn party! I just left with my blood boiling in that man!

If I see him again I will make sure that his life would be miserable!

I'm gonna curse him on this day forward!

"Why did you left so early last night?" Mom asked while we're having our breakfast. My mood suddenly change when I remember that night.

"Some dimwit made my night miserable," I said and just ate my foods. Mom's brows furrowed but she didn't ask anymore because like usual she needs to hurry to work for the company.

I also prepared myself to school. And when I arrived, a commotion welcome me again. Jonathan Hill is in front of me looking so angry and horrible. His hair is so messed up and he really looks like he is carrying a lot of problems in this world.

"You really a demon!" He shouted. My bodyguards immediately block him to stop him on coming near me. I crossed my arms and raised my brows.

"I already know that. Is that what you want to waste my time?" I asked but an image of a man came to my mind while I'm saying those. Why am I thinking about him? Ah! I remember that he also said it to me!

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