CHAPTER 1: First Encounter

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I was smiling the whole time while I'm strolling around the mall while my bodyguards are on my back following and carrying the things I bought.

I went to the different luxurious boutique here in this mall and even though I have so many things already I couldn't find a formal dress that I would wear for the welcome party of the Carter's.

"Good day Ma'am!," the sales lady greeted me as soon as I entered their store. I raised my brows as I surveyed my eyes in the whole place. I looked at the sales ladies here in front of me and they are all seems intimidated to me the way they looked down. Poor them.

"What is the most expensive dress here?" I asked with my girly voice while I'm looking at my beautiful manicured nails.

"T-This way ma'am," the girl said so I followed her with my graceful walk. Everyone could hear the sound of my stiletto. By the way, I'm wearing a tube top and high waist jeans that costs more than 12,000 dollars and my stiletto that costs more than the life of the sales lady here.

"I'll wait here. Make it faster," I said in a tone of demand. The sales lady nodded and immediately take her move. I crossed my legs together while looking at the dress that are hanging from the hanger.

Mom told me to buy a dress here and just ask for the most expensive one. Looks like mom wanted so much to impress the young Carter huh?

Chairman Adamson Carter is handsome even though he aged so maybe his son is also handsome but well I already witnessed too many handsome so I won't bother anymore.

And maybe just like other boys he will just be blinded by my beauty.

"Here ma'am," she said and presented me a dress that would be fitted in my whole body and it has a slit on its legs. I scan the whole dress and it actually meet my standards. I like this store.

"I'll take it," I said and gave her my ATM. She immediately take it and went to the counter.

I was waiting in the back when I saw a man and a woman kissing in the corner. I can't help but to wince. They look disgusting. They are almost eating each other lips. That's so gross!

Actually I've never experience kissing because it really disgusts me. Thinking of how other lips touch my lips? It's making me cringe for unknown reason.

I shook my head and looked at the sales lady but my brows furrowed when she was just standing while watching the man and woman kissing.

What the hell is she doing?!

I walked towards her and stop when I saw her crying silently while looking at them. I looked at the man and woman kissing and back to the sales lady again. I nodded like I get something interesting.

There's a third party here. Seriously? Why am I in this drama?

"Hey!" I shouted behind the sales lady. She almost jump at that and immediately wiped her tears.

"I-I'm'am. This is your ATM! I'm gonna put your dress in a bag. Just wait a little while," she said without looking at me. She looks constipated. Poor her. What is there's so many guy cheating when they are already in a relationship?
They should stick with the girl they like! Or maybe that man didn't like this sales lady? How complicated. That's why I don't want to be entangled with that kind of relationship. Romance and sweet things like that doesn't suits me.

After the girl gave me my dress I went out and looked at the cheating guy. He even didn't notice that the sales lady were looking at them. I looked at my bodyguards and signed them to stand up and follow me.

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