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Darkness, sheer inescapable darkness. There was nothing but ground to step on in this forever murky world, no, something this empty, this barren and impossibly small place can't be considered a world, this was something else. A place that by all terms of reality, can't possibly exist, yet is. This place, or rather, this realm, wasn't designed to be inhabitable, nor meant for any kind of lifeform. Then, what is the reason for this realm to exist? Perhaps, it was intended to be like this, not to bring life in, but to keep something inside it. And there it was, lying dormant in the middle of the desolate landscape, was the meaning for this realm's existence, [The Great Hare], one of the three Great Mabeasts, bent on nothing more than to consume everything in it's way despite not needing food to live, motivated by the need to consume, to devour, to eat, the very manifestation of Gluttony.

How long has it been since it was sent here? To this pitch black void of emptiness? Nothing but a small ground to stand on and the never ending feeling of hunger, the feeling of starvation and the desire to consume everything it sees....or so it once was. Now, after cannibalizing its own copies of itself, eating and eating, multiplying and multiplying, that order constantly repeating with no end on sight, what is there left?



It didn't felt it. For once in it's life, that drive no longer is felt, and now it is left with nothing but a simple feeling of emptiness.

Why is that? Why can't it feel hunger anymore? Perhaps it was satisfied? No, it had once consume more than just this, and never once felt satiated, so how come? Why now? Why is it's drive, its motive, its entire existence that is to feed, to devour, no longer there? Pondering that, [The Great Hare] silently and motionessly sat in the middle of a once snow-covered ground, surrounded by multiple mutilated and barely recognizable carcassas of itself, or selves, doing nothing but waiting.


But what is it waiting for?...

Why should it wait? What's there any meaning to waiting? Waiting for what?

For it's hunger to come back? So it can finally continue to feast upon itself once more to desperately calm it's insatiable hunger? If that were the case, then shouldn't it be satisfied that it's no longer controlled by that very hunger?

Or was there something else? Something that is worth waiting for? Something that can potentially give it purpose again?

These questions, plaguing it's mind every moment, yet unable to come up with an answer for it, or atleast, an answer that would satisfy it. And so it continued to ponder, throwing questions after questions after questions, yet getting no response for them.

Eventually, it's mind started to ponder elsewhere, to something that is no longer akin to a question, but more of a thought. It pondered about it's other family members, [The Great Whale], the oldest one. It wondered how Whale was doing, has it found a home yet? Or is it still wandering around the world, searching for something?

It wondered about [The Black Serpent], the second oldest and a family member it had barely ever interacted with, but from what few fragments of memories about Serpent that are left, it wondered what Serpent is doing now.

Then, it thought about [The Crimson Scorpion], it's supposedly little sister, perhaps the most different from it's family. To be able to transform into a human form and communicate with humans, thus completely masking the fact it is a Mabeast, successfully hiding its identity from history itself. It wondered why Scorpion needed to be a human in the first place, though with enough time to think, it might have been because Scorpion wanted to be human. But as for the question why, it would not know.

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