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"...Sorry about all that before. You helped my daughter, and I wanna show my appreciation, so ask me anything."


"Subaru? Is something wrong?"


His eyes darted around the area, trying to get a grasp on where he is. He was standing on a busy street, with stalls aligned on two sides of the road. In front of him was another stall, belonging to a man whose girl he helped reunite with her mother. He slowly remembered that he was going to ask about something, something related to the girl standing next to him, Satella.

But...why am I here? Was his thoughts upon realizing that something is wrong, or was it wrong? Did everything that has happened to him was all fake? Hallucinations? Bad future visions? He was confused, not understanding what had happened.

I could have sworn those were real...weren't they? He kept wondering, for he does not know the answer to that question.

"...Oi oi oi! Don't you think it's rude to completely ignore my cute daughter here? That's pretty ungentlemanly of you Subaru~"

"Huh? OH! Sorry about that! I just...I think I'm having a strong sense of deja vu just now..."

Deja vu, was what he could come up for an answer as of this moment. This world was still mysterious and unknown to him, even if he has seen many shows that use the same familiar concept of being transported to another world. For now, that scenario has happened to him, and this isn't just some show either, this was reality, so he expected things to not be exactly the same as what was depicted in them. Guess I'll leave it at that for now.

"Subaru...what is aeja wu?"

"That's not really how you pronounce it but it's basically just a word to describe the feeling of remembering something you have seen before or maybe a future vision perhaps?"

"Future...visions? But how can you do that?"

"Ehh it's not really an ability, just a feeling! Anyways, we are going to ask about that thing right?"

"...Mm, my insignia."

"Then can you tell us where it is, appa man?"

For now, grouping what has happened to him after this point as just a bad omen, he decided to just go with the flow for now and see if the things he has seen were truly real, or at the very least, a future that he can prevent from happening.

Behind him however, was a rabbit demi-human, staring intently at his back. She seemed to be alarmed of something, although he did not know what that was, he decided to not think about it too much.

It's all the same...was what he thought while walking to the slums. After asking and receiving almost the exact same answer, and now on his way to what would most likely be Old Man's Rom Loot House, that bad vision that he had started to become more confusing to him.

Was it really just some hallucinations? Or is it actually the future? His mind now only becomes more annoyed at everything, starting to wonder if those events that he saw were truly real or not. If it was real, then doesn't that mean that he had died? But if that was the case, why was he still here? Why is he still alive? And the two girls beside him, they would have also been dead with him, so why were they still here? Just what happened?

He admitted that he was never a smart kid, he knew this very well. All the way back from his elementary days, once his scores started to fall, his classmates started to beat him at almost everything else, it was then that he knew that he wasn't gifted or smart in any way. It was just dumb luck that carried him until that point.

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