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"Have you seen him yet?" Harry asked Y/N as they made their way onto the express, preparing for Christmas at The Burrow.

"Fortunately, I haven't." Y/N replied, a little exhausted from the night before.

"He's doing it on purpose, you know?" Harry asked her in a low tone, "He's afraid because he knows what I'm going to do once I see him."

Y/N shook her head with a smile before turning around to face him, "I'm gonna go sit with Hermione, alright?"

"Okay." Harry forced a smile.

He leaned in to give her a quick kiss, receiving one back from her. Harry wanted to deepen it so badly but they were holding up the line.

"Get in here, Harry!" Ron interrupted them from inside the compartment he found.

Harry smiled and pulled away from Y/N, missing her instantly. He watched as she walked off, entering Ron's compartment with butterflies that he couldn't control.

"Had fun?" Ron sarcastically asked Harry.

"My brain is still having fun at this moment, actually." Harry matched his tone.

"Disgusting." Ron cringed and made Harry laugh, "So, did she tell you anything?" He questioned the boy that sat across from him.

Harry didn't really want to tell him anything about what Y/N told him. Everything she said was extremely personal and he was sure Ron would get involved somehow, "Er.."

"About Malfoy.. remember?" Ron raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, right." Harry loosened up, being more comfortable with the question, "Apparently Snape made some kind of "Unbreakable Vow.""

"Unbreakable Vow?" Ron knotted his brows, "Are you sure?"

"Positive. Why?" Harry replied casually.

"Well, it's just you can't break an Unbreakable Vow." Ron dumbed it down for him.

"I've worked that much out for myself, funnily enough." Harry blankly stated, slightly offended.

"You don't understand." Ron told him before seeing someone at the compartment door out of the corner of his eye, "Oh, bloody hell."

Harry followed his line of sight and spotted Lavender standing there. She waved with a smile before using her breath to fog up the window. She then drew a heart with her finger and wrote "R+L" inside of it.

Ron smiled uncomfortably as Harry awkwardly played with the cupholder he found connected to his seat. Lavender finished her heart with an "xx" and an arrow going through it.

"I miss you." She whispered to Ron before walking away.

Harry turned his head to the ginger, "Lovely."

"All she wants to do is snog me." Ron leaned closer to him.

"You should be grateful," Harry sighed with a small grin, "My girlfriend rarely ever does that with me-"

"No, really. My lips are getting chapped," Ron pushed himself closer to Harry's face, "See?"

"I'll take your word for it." Harry leaned away.

Hermione caught sight of the drawing on Ron and Harry's compartment door as she walked down the isle. She stopped and looked at it before looking up at Ron, then walking away.

Y/N was following behind her, stopping to see what she saw. Harry waved at her with a smile, getting a smile back.

Ron smiled at her too but when he did, Y/N sent a sarcastic one back before using her arm to wipe away the fog, erasing the drawing. She glared at Ron and shot him a middle finger as she followed Hermione to the front of the train.

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