Marvel - Winterhawk

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I kinda love this ship...



Steve opened the door to Buckys hospital room and was shocked: Bucky looked everything but healthy. His skin was pale, his metal arm was missing and nearly every part of his body was wrapped in bandages and plaster casts. IV-bags were attached to his body and provided Bucky with fluids, drugs and minerals. "Hey, Stevie!", Bucky smiled weakly and lifted his arm. Steve sat down by his site and hugged him carefully: "Hey, how are you?" "Have been better but I'll survive. And... Shuri managed to fix my head." Steve nodded slowly and smiled; Bucky still was as ironic as he was back in the 40s.

Clint lowered himself on a metal chair and pulled a Donald-Duck-Comic out of his pocket. He knew, Steve would take his time and it wasn't likely that they would head home in the next few hours. So he just decided to wait here and read some comics. He had finished his third book, when suddenly his phone made some noise: A message from Nat: Get your asses back here, we have a job to do! Clint smiled and raised from his chair.

Bucky enjoyed the time with Steve, he truly had missed his baby brother. Suddenly, the door opened and revealed the most handsome man, Bucky's ever seen: brown eyes, short brown hair and a well built and tanned body. "Steve?" Holy shit, his voice was even hotter than his body! "We have to go, mission." Steve gave Bucky an apologetical look and raised from the bed: "Sorry Bucks, but..." Bucky nodded: "I know, will you come tomorrow?" "Sure!", Steve waved goodbye and left the room with Clint by his side.

Bucky bit his lip and tried to forget Steves partner. He knew, he was gay, but it wasn't okay. No one ever accepted men loving other males. Okay, Bucky wasn't sure if he loved this man, but he had to admit his beauty. With these thoughts in his head, he fell asleep.

Clint was amazed by Buckys look: These dark brown curls, sparkling blue eyes and the muscles! Even though Bucky looked like a corpse, he was the most beautiful man Clint's ever seen. Natasha wrapped her arm around Clints shoulders and poked his nose: "Okay, who is he?" She knew about Clint being gay and was always ready to kill homophobic assholes if they should hurt his feelings. Clint just laughed and opened a bottle of Vodka. He started talking about Bucky while the assassins drank more and more of the liquid. Even though they drank half a bottle, they seemed sober. "Okay", Tasha said, placing her glass on the table, "you have a crush on him, and don't you dare denying it! But just make sure, it doesnt end like it did with Pietro." Clint nodded and placed his glass on the table to fill it again: "I know but I cant help it." Natasha smiled and drowned her glass again: "Okay, I have news. GOOD news." Clint was instantly happy and excited: "Okay, tell!" Tasha smiled: "You know, Wanda and Vision broke up? And well Wanda and I are together now!" Clint cheered for his friend/sister. Natasha was known for her pansexual life and Clint knew about her crush on Wanda. They both enjoyed the rest of their evening and finished the bottle. Slightly drunk they made their way to their rooms.

Steve started to visit Bucky once a week and brought Clint with him, someone had to fly him to the hospital. But there was something, Steve didnt know: Clint came two or three times a week to talk with Bucky." So, what do you want to know about brainwashing?", Bucky asked slightly annoyed. Clint blinked confused: "What? Why should I ask something like that?" Bucky shrugged his shoulders: "Everyone asks this." Clint shook his head: "I know how it is, so I wont ask. I know it sucks." Bucky furrowed his brows: "What do you mean?" Clint smiled weakly: "You know about Loki? His attack?" Bucky nodded. "Well", Clint went on, "he used the power of his scepter on me. It made me his slave." Bucky slowly nodded: "It is good on a strange way." Clint laughed dryly: "Yeah, I hated myself for killing people, but while I was with Loki, I truly loved it." Bucky leant back and just stayed silent. Clint ceased as well. The two men just looked at each other and enjoyed the silence and the knowledge, that someone else on the world knew what they went through.

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