X-Men - Cherik

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I crawled out of my hobbithole to write this little fluffy oneshot...

Hope you enjoy!


"Ich schwöre bei Gott, diese Kinder rauben mir noch den letzten Nerv!"*, Erik cursed while using his powers to slam the door. With three long steps the metal bender reached Charles wheelchair and dropped to his knees. Charles smiled softly at Erik and stated to run his fingers through Eriks hair. Erik grunted happily and placed his head on Charles lap. The telepath entered his mind slowly and softly and watched the pictures of children playing pranks to Erik during his lessons. Erik closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Charles' fingers in his hair, tracing the silver streaks and looking for new ones, and Charles' mind wrapped around his own. After five minutes Charles left Eriks mind and yawned: "Let's go to bed, okay?" Erik nodded and rose from the floor, his knees and back protesting in a way they didn't do fifteen years ago. The men changed into their pyjamas and cuddled together in their bed. Erik watched Charles shifting and placing his head on the metal benders chest. "You shouldn't be too hard on them, they're merely ten years old", Charles stated. Erik nodded: "Maybe old friend." Charles' giggling made Eriks heart jump just like it did at their first meeting. Charles' eyes sparkled: "I hope I'm more than a friend by now!" He moved his hand a little and Erik caught the small flicker of gold in the corner of his eye. It made his heart swell with joy to know that he wore the exact twin of Charles' wedding band at his very own ring finger. Charles' eyes suddenly became very serious: "Was I right? About the world, I mean?" Erik sighed quietly: "Yes. After spending one and a half decade with you I realised what I once couldn't comprehend. Your view on the world seemed too positive for me to be more than a dream. But now, after living this dream with you for such a long time, it became somewhat real and I want to follow it until the very end." Charles yawned again: "Good, good." Erik nodded: "Yes, and now: Schlaf gut und träum was Schönes, Liebling." Erik watched Charles' eyes falling shut and heard his breathing even out. After some minutes he followed his husband to the world of dreams.


* "I swear by God, these Kids are going to kill me!"

*² "Good night and sweet dreams, Darling!"


So, did you enjoy it?

If you have more ideas, tell me in the comments!

And now,

have a nice day and enjoy your live!

Love from my hobbithole,


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