Christmas special - Drabbles - How to celebrate with the people you love

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Six Drabbles, each exact 100 words long, about christmas. And I'm referring to the German christmas, means 24.12. or Christmas Eve.

Hope you enjoy!



"While on a kill I did this night", Jim sang dancing through the lounge. The evil genius carried a box of artificial snow and was busy covering everything with it. Sebastian wasn't sure whether to kiss or kill Jim but decided on not harming such a cute being. As soon as Jim had finished his work, Sebastian pulled him into a kiss. Jim wiggled himself out of the snipers arms and gave him a box. Curious and carefully Sebastian opened it, only to find a t-shirt in it: black and with a rainbow-coloured rifle on the back. "You like it?"



Bilbo sighted and turned his sausages around. He hated celebrating Christmas alone but he hadn't anyone to invite. He carefully placed his food on a plate but was startled by a loud knocking on his door. The Hobbit opened and felt like being trapped in a time-lapse: two dwarves, one with bright, the other with dark hair were standing there. "Fili, Kili!" Bilbo wrapped his arms around his friends. Thorins nephews entered Bagsend and Bilbo recognised the third visitor. "Thorin", he whispered. The king smiled softly: "Merry Christmas, Bilbo." He leaned forward and placed a light kiss on Bilbos lips.


The Avengers (Winterfalcon, Stony, Brutasha, Wandavision, Hawksilver)

Peter wasn't sure if it was an honour or some strange kind of torture. Five men had given him five small boxes containing rings. And Peter was told to hide them. Means that five engagement-rings were placed in his wardrobe. And then the day came: Christmas. After dinner, the teenage spider was visited by Bruce, Bucky, Clint, Steve and Vision, who all got their presents. Down in the living room, Peter saw a few interesting things: five engagements at one evening which made Tony Stark speechless, Pietro Maximoff stood completely still and Natasha Romanov cried. It was a good Christmas.


Johnlock / Mystrade

"Do I have to?", Sherlock cried. "Yes", John answered and pulled his boyfriend out of the cab. Twenty meters next to them Greg did the same with Mycroft. The Holmes-brothers tried to get away but were stopped by their partners. Sighting, Greg knocked on the door of the beautiful mansion. And old man opened the door and smiled: "Mycroft, Sherlock, finally! And you must be Greg and John! Please, come in!" The men followed inside while John raised an eyebrow: "Your farther is normal." The brothers groaned: "Sadly." Greg and John shook their heads, smiling at their stupid smart boyfriends.



Harry kissed Draco on the lips and ran his hand through the soft hair of his boyfriend. Draco grumbled and tried hiding under the blanket. Finally, Harry forced Draco to follow him into the living room. Lights were sparkling on the tree and multiple presents were waiting to be unwrapped. Harry took the first one and opened it. Smiling, he placed the book on an armchair, while Draco did the same with other presents. Suddenly, the Malfoy screeched and dropped one box. Harry took the scary present and peeked inside. "Merlin, I have to explain couple t-shirts to the Weasleys!"



Legolas nudged Naira gently. The small girl loosened her grip around her Adas hand and ran to her Dad. Aragorn turned around and picked his princess up, spinning around and kissing her cheek. Legolas smiled at the sight. Silver streaks were visible in Aragorns hair and beard but he was just as handsome as ever. And in his dark eyes there was an endless love for his, for their daughter. Legolas heart grew at this sight, at the sight of his wonderful family. He walked to them, wrapped his arm around his husband and kissed him softly: "Merry Christmas, melethron!"


In conclution, everybody had a happy christmas. Some in a "classic" way, some a little more extraordenary. But it was good. Whether they celebrated in a flat in London, Bagsend, the Avengers Tower, a mansion in the English countryside, a house in Godric's Hollow or Minas Tirith, they were celebrating with the family they loved. And that was everything that counted.


Merry Christmas and happy new year to everybody who celebrates it!

To the people who don't: May you have a good time with your family / friends and a good start in the new year!

Love from my bed,


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