As ready as i'll ever be

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After a while the plane landed. Me and Aleksi grabbed our stuff and headed to the Arrivals gate. It felt so good to be back in Finland, although we were still at the airport, I felt at home.

»They should be around here somewhere« Aleksi tells me as we're walking.

Soon I heard someone shouting very loudly.

»Aleksi! Over here!« A mans voice cried out.

Aleksi waved back to him.

»There they are, are you ready?« Aleksi asked turning to face me.

»As ready as i'll ever be« I replied and we walked over towards the group.

Five men all stood in a huddle, dressed from head to toe in black. They looked pretty threatening to be honest but I new that Aleksi was friends with them so I didn't want to be too quick to judge. All of them had pretty long grown out hair apart from one. He had very short brown hair and was quite tall. He's definitely the most responsible, I could already tell.

As we went up to them they all ran to Aleksi and hugged him. I stood there quite awkwardly until they turned to greet me.

»I'm Tommi, nice to meet you!« Said the man with very short brown hair.

»I'm olli!« Said a man with curly brown hair.

»I'm Joonas, it's lovely to finally meet you!« Said a man with very curly blonde hair that almost looked like cotton candy.

»I'm Niko« I already knew Niko from the photos that Aleksi showed me but I was definitely jealous of how healthy his long brown locks were.

The boys all hugged me one by one and then another pushed his way through the guys to greet me.

»And I'm Joel, but i'm sure you know that by now« Joel said as he winked at me.

Oh my God did Aleksi tell him what I had said on the plane?

He pulled me in for a hug after he greeted me. I was frozen. I didn't want to pull away. The blonde haired man soon let go and looked at me and smirked. Aleksi then turned to me as I was still staring into Joel's eyes.

»So? Are you gonna introduce yourself?« Aleksi asked with a beaming smile on his face.

I returned to earth and look at Aleksi.

»Oh yeah of course!« I turned to the group of boys in-front of me.
»I'm Luna, it's so great to finally meet all of you, Aleksi talks about you guys all the time!«

Aleksi next to me started to blush after I said that.

»Does he really?« Olli butted in.

»Oh don't worry, He speaks very highly about all of you, I can't wait to see him work with you guys!« I replied.

As we were leaving the airport I was talking to Joonas. He had a great sense of humour and seemed to care a lot about making me feel welcome. On our way to the car he asked me about my life in The Netherlands and what type of music I make. I also asked him about how his life in Finland is and what he does besides making music. I could tell I had made new friends instantly.

As we approached the car Aleksi turned to face me.

»who do you want to sit next to?« He asked me.

»I don't know...« I reply knowing damn well that I want sit next to Joel.

Aleksi turns to face the guys.

»Gentleman, There's a seat for sale next to a Princess. Who wants it!« He shouted out. I've never seen Aleksi so excited in my life.

»I'll happily buy the seat« A mans voice said. I turned in the direction of the voice and it was Joel's.

I instantly smiled at him and he smiled back. Niko took my stuff and went to put it in the boot of the car, I thanked him and hopped in the backseat of the big car with Joel sitting next to me. Aleksi sat in the row in-front of me in between Joonas and Niko. Olli was sat in the passenger seat while Tommi was in the drivers seat.

»TO THE STUDIO!« Joonas shouted from infront of me. All the guys repeated him and cheered as the car started to move. I was just laughing at them, it was as if I was in a car with a bunch of excited 5 year olds. I was still pretty tired as I didn't get much sleep on the plane so I felt my eyelids becoming heavy even with all the loud chatter coming from within the car. I was so tired to forget that I was sitting next to him. Joel soon turned to me and put two of his fingers under my chin and turned my head to face his. I was flattered by his touches and didn't want him to let go.

»Are you okay« He asked as he noticed I wasn't joining in with the groups conversation.

»Yeah, i'm just pretty tired I didn't get much sleep last night« I explained to him.

He took his fingers away from my face again. His eyes were a deep blue and I couldn't look away. Neither of us were talking anymore we were just looking into each other's eyes. He slowly began to wear the same smirk on his face that he was wearing in the airport when we first met.

»What are you thinking about?« He broke the silence.

I didn't reply to him. I didn't know what to say and he seemed to understand as he turned back to the boys to join back in with their conversation.

When I wasn't looking into his eyes I felt empty. I wanted to feel him again so I gently rested my head on his shoulder and tried to get to sleep when he put his arm over me and started stroking my back. I closed my eyes to go to sleep but I just couldn't.

I don't know what else to write lmao give me some ideas like little fillers to the story to make it more interesting 😩 Thanks for reading!!

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