Tease him

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Joel had picked me up from his apartment and we made our way towards the car which tommi was driving.

We sat down next to each other and Joel rested his hand on my thigh and started caressing it gently. I smirked but turned my head away so he wouldn't see it, but he squeezed my thigh indicating that he saw it.

I've only kissed Joel twice, and we've done nothing more than that, but we've been eye fucking each other with every opportunity we get. I know that if I hang out with someone other than him tonight, he'll get jealous. So that's exactly what i'm going to do. Tease him.

When we arrived, I decided to sit between Aleksi and Olli to get this party started. This earned me an eye roll from Joel as he took the seat opposite me. His eyes focused strongly on me, watching my every move. I decided to ignore him. Not to make eye contact. Act like he wasn't there.

Not an easy task when he's hot.

We all started off with beers and I enjoyed getting to know the rest of the boys. I found out that Joonas and Joel once shared a girlfriend... interesting. I also discovered that Tommi's nickname is Teddy Bear which makes a lot of sense as his hugs are the best, and I learnt that Niko's favourite movie is titanic. Even though it hadn't been long, I already felt like these people are my home. We got on so easily, everyone was being loud and obnoxious tonight. All except one. That being Joel.

Joel kept his eyes on me the entire time. Never engaging in the conversation. Only adding in a 'mhm' if he was asked something. This seemed to be a common occurrence for Joel to disassociate himself from the group as the rest of the boys didn't react to his strange behaviour . Or they were just oblivious to it.

I felt someone's feet rubbing up and down my leg suddenly while I was mid conversation with Olli. I tried to focus on my conversation and act unfazed, that was until Joel slipped his foot up to my thigh. I immediately excused myself from the table and went up to the bar to get us some more drinks.

»What exactly do you think you're doing?« I felt his breath on my neck, his hands on my hips. I turned around and looked Joel in his pretty blue eyes.

»Nothing.« I say innocently and grin. I love teasing him. Showing him what it's like to be ignored feels good.

Joel stared at me, and if looks could kill, I'd be dead. He was clearly frustrated by me ignoring him all evening, and I could see how he got jealous when I was talking to any of the other guys.

I took Joel's hands off of my hips and I turned back around to grab the tray of drinks from the bar and headed back to our table, ignoring Joel's intense stares. Everyone was thrilled to have more drinks, and our little party was in full swing, and my plan was still in action.

After about 20 minutes, Joel reappeared and again took the seat opposite me. His eyes were stuck on me but he never spoke. He began to drink. He had drank the most out of everyone here. Probably washing away his jealousy.

I was on the same page, I kept on drinking like there was no tomorrow. However I wasn't jealous of anything. Shot after shot and I decided that I wanted to dance. Who did I want to dance with? Joel. But my plan. So I grabbed Aleksi and pulled him onto the dance floor with me.

We were both pretty drunk and so we were carelessly moved our bodies to the rhythm of the music until we were interrupted by something. Or should I say someone.

»Can I steal her from you for a sec?« Joel asks Aleksi calmly.

Oh boy. Here we go.

Aleksi nodded and grinned at me. He drunkenly walked back to our table and sat down with the guys. I kept staring at Aleksi, hoping to avoid Joel for longer.

That was until Joel slid two of his fingers under my chin and and turned my head to see him.  Aware that we were in full view of the guys, I tried to push away from his grip, but Joel put one hand around my waist and the other cupped my left cheek so I was pressed up against his body and still staring at him.

He caressed my cheek gently and leant down to whisper something into my ear.

»You're a naughty one aren't you?« He asks.

If he hadn't been holding me, I probably would have fallen to the ground. My knees had gone weak at that sentence and he seemed to have noticed it as a smirk played on his lip.

He started kissing my neck and my eyes widened. The boys didn't know anything of this. Aleksi knew some of it, But I don't think he ever believed it would actually happen. I couldn't turn to see if they had seen Joel so casually sucking on my neck but I'm sure it was the hot topic on our table.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I thought I was meant to be the one to tease tonight. But Joel had his spell on me. One word and I was submissive to him.

Joel pulled away and looked me up and down. His hair messily falling out of his bun, his crystal blue eyes stared into mine.

»Seems like my girl needs to go home.« He said in a low voice.

My girl? I'm sorry what?!?

All my drunken thoughts were running through my mind like a washing machine, making it hard to realise that I was now being dragged out by Joel. He waved over for a Taxi and helped me get in.

As we were sat down on our way back to his apartment, Joel messaged Tommi to explain that we had already left and then he rested his hand on my thigh, rubbing it softly and gradually making his hand grow higher and higher up my thigh.

Quickly enough we arrived at Joel's apartment. He managed to find his keys and unlocked the front door. He helped my to make my way up the staircase. As we entered his apartment, He slammed the door shut behind me and locked it.

Oh no.

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