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NOTHING COULD BE heard in the room except for soft sobs belonging to two grieving girls.

"I can't do this, Hope! Josie is dead," Lizzie sobbed, her grief taking over. She didn't know how she could possibly live without her sister. Josie wasn't just her sister though, she was her twin They had a bond with each other, a physical and mental bond that Lizzie felt snapped when Josie died. It was almost as if half of her soul was ripped away from her, like she wasn't whole anymore.

"I know, I know. But I have a better idea," Hope reassured the girl. They were both heartbroken, though Hope loved Josie and never got the chance to tell her how she felt. She always had feelings for Josie and tried her Best to not make it too obvious, but now she wished she had. Hope had lost so many people, and it hurt even more to know Josie was gone too.

"What? What could you possibly do to bring Jo back?" Lizzie sniffled sarcastically. She was hurting, but sarcasm was her main form of defense and how she dealt with her issues. Hope, knowing this, ignored Lizzie as she knew it wasn't 't said to hurt her feelings.

"I can send you back in time." Hope stated, which made Lizzie's eyes widen in disbelief.


"I can send you back to 2009, to when it all started. I have all of the journals and the history books. I can send you and a bag of them back so that you would know everything," Hope added on. Lizzie thought about this for a while. It was a good plan, but fixing everything wouldn't do anything for Josie.

"But....But what about you? We'll both be all alone," Lizzie had tears forming back in her eyes again. Not that she would ever admit it, but she did grow to love Hope like another sister.

"Aww, are you worried about me? That's cute," Hope smiled sadly, trying to be funny but failing miserably. Tears started pooling in her eyes and they fell one by one. "We have to do this. It's the only way, Liz."

"I know. Just do it," Lizzie was also crying now, overwhelmed with the emotions surrounding her dead sister and friend, and they were heightened as she was now a vampire. On top of that, she was bipolar and Josie was the only one that could calm her down. Together, these were not things that should be mixed.

"Remitte hanc animam tempore quo coepta sunt omnia. Remitte hanc animam tempore quo coepta sunt omnia. Remitte hanc animam tempore quo coepta sunt omnia. Remitte hanc animam tempore quo coepta sunt omnia," Hope chanted, channeling a few objects as well as Lizzie.

All of a sudden, Lizzie's vision faltered and she started to see black spots. The last thing she was able to make out with her blurry vision, was Hope's tear-filled, half-smiling face until it all went black.

When Lizzie woke up, she took in her surroundings, and saw she was in a medium sized house. It was nothing like her old house, but it had to do. It's not like she was going to share a room with Josie anymore.

Lizzie realized that the bag Hope was talking about was on her shoulders, so she opened it. She peered in and saw a mountain of books and magical objects that would help her.

There were notebooks, textbooks, grimoires, journals from both Stefan Salvatore and Elena Gilbert. This would definitely help her, and now that she was a vampire she would be at more of an advantage. She still felt The Bond which meant that Josie was on the Other Side, which meant there was still a chance of bringing her back.

She started reading and going through the textbooks one by one, trying to learn a little bit more about the history. When she finished reading at least half of them, she started skimming the journals starting with Elena Gilbert's. She read the first few pages and just kept on flipping, not even looking at the words until she got to the first day of her junior year, which was when everything started.

Lizzie was going to have to talk to Stefan about the doppelgänger, and also because he was technically her stepfather whom she loved more than her real father. She read through the journals but stopped when she got to the part about opening the tomb vampires. Lizzie was going to have to burn them all after taking Emily Bennett's grimoire from Giuseppe Salvatore's grave.

She didn't care about them, as it was the only was to fix things and get what she wanted. There had to be no distractions and no one trying to stop her, and in this moment she was just as stubborn as her mother.

Just then, she remembered her mother Caroline Forbes, another person Lizzie had to save. Her mother was abused and raped by her so-called uncle. She didn't understand how a person could do something so horrible or how her mother forgave him, but this time around it was not going to happen if she had any say in it. Lizzie was going to compel Caroline to stay away from Damon, and she might just play matchmaker between her mother and stepfather.

As she planned for what she was going to do during the next few days, she wasn't paying attention to anything around her. So, she didn't notice her sister and Hope Mikaelson holding hands and smiling at Lizzie. It seemed that Hope had died shortly after sending Lizzie back in time. When Hope woke up, she found herself in transition, but decided not to complete it. There was no point in living forever if she had nobody to spend it with. At least if Josie was alive she would eventually become a heretic and they could all live together, but that wasn't possible anymore. So, Hope decided to not turn and die instead.

The two lovers were both on the Other Side happy together, but also thinking of ways on how to help Lizzie even though they were dead, but it didn't really matter.

Once Lizzie was finished reading through everything that would give her enough knowledge of what was going to happen, she opened the grimoires that Hope had sent back with her. It also seemed that the house that Lizzie was in also had grimoires too, which was even better for her. Now she had double the help on how to bring her sister back from the dead and Hope back in time with her.

But now that Hope was dead, not that Lizzie knew that, she would need an extra power boost. Not something that will turn her dark, but she would just need to siphon the life force of many witches, werewolves, and vampires. She would have to conduct a sacrifice, which she didn't mind doing. She would do anything to get her family back.

Lizzie didn't mind killing people or watching people be killed, she just didn't participate in it that often, which was mostly because her sister wouldn't want her to. But now that Josie was dead, she would kill anyone to get her back. She could care less about everyone else. Josie was always number one on her list even though she didn't always show it.

Lizzie didn't see a point to living if she was without her twin. Jo was everything to her, and just thinking about Josie made Lizzie so angry and sad at the same time. The only one that knew how to slightly calm her down was gone. The only one that could help her, even if it was just a little, was her twin, and she was dead.

Just thinking about that set off a switch in Lizzie's head. Tears started to roll down her already flushed cheeks, and the room started to rumble. Lizzie let out a scream of frustration and a clock flew to the other side of the room, and that's how it was for the rest of the afternoon. Lizzie destroyed the room she resided in, taking out all of her anger, sadness, frustration, hatred, all of her emotions she didn't know how to control because of her stupid brain chemistry.

But now that she was back in time, she would have to fix everything and maybe have a chance to find happiness again if she wasn't spending all of her free time trying to bring back Josie and Hope.

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